Saturday, July 14, 2007

Why CFA is the greatest

Chick. Fil. A.

It's like that friend that you can address by his/her initials. I have a couple of those: KFC, LP, EMU. It just works. CFA.

Brett and I went to eat there tonite, compliments of a birthday gift card he got. While there, we concluded (though we already knew this) that CFA is the greatest food place ever. Here's why:

1. it's clean: the restrooms, the restaurant, the workers, everything
2. nice people: the workers are ALWAYS nice. They always tell us it's been a pleasure to help & make us feel like WE are making THEIR day by coming in.
3. good service: it's a fast food place but they come around and fill your drinks, ask if you need anything else, throw out your trash, etc.
4. good food: enough said
5. the cow is there on Wednesdays
6. you hear great music like Ace of Base on the CD they play ("I saw the sign...")
7. they are closed on Sundays: I will admit sometimes I hate that when I crave it, but I love that they stick to that rule.
8. milkshakes: you have tried them, haven't you?
9. CFA calendar & the fabulous coupons
10. their hilarious advertising

There you have it. Ten reasons why we love CFA. The one here is so close to us, which is something I will miss in about 3 weeks.


Julia said...

Reasons why I am glad I don't still work at CFA:
1. Ties are not a good look on me (but I do like the new uniforms.)
2. Coming home smelling like chicken everyday
3. having to wear the cow costume
4. having to work the drive-through
5. cleaning the lemonade machine
6. scrubbing the floors on saturday night

But your affection for CFA makes me feel as though my time spent there might have brought some joy to people's lives, and therefore not a waste!

merritt said...

Jilly- Although I love CFA with all my heart, I agree that I wouldn't want to work there. It would probably cause me to love it less and I would not like that.

Kelley C said...

JILL left a comment! I'm so proud of her. And when did you wear the cow costume and why was I not there to see it?

J wants to own a CFA one day. I say no way. I think it would ruin the allure of CFA. We ate at one of the old outside ones yesterday while house hunting. Yum.

EMU said...

Working at CFA didn't change the way JEU and I feel about CFA. We still love it. Good place to work. Good place to eat. Good place to get to know your future husband. Love in the land of chicken.

My dad tried hard to get us to work at CFA after college in hopes of us owning a CFA one day. Obviously didn't work.

merritt said...

When did y'all work there?

Anonymous said...

Reasons I'm Really Happy Right Now:

1. An image of Jill wearing the CFA cow costume is dancing through my head.

2. Someday, there will be a Caskey family CFA. I know it isn't decided yet, but I'm going to go ahead and get behind it as a fabulous idea.

Erin said...

I just figured out why you and Kelley are the best of friends! :)

EMU said...

Our second SBP...summer 2001

merritt said...

So, EMU, did you fall in love with JEU because he was such a stud at making those waffle fries? I bet that's why you married him. =)

Erin, yeah, CFA...and the fact that we weren't too keen on our freshman roomies, so we stuck together! =)