Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Wedding memories

It's fun to have an anniversary because I get to reminisce about our wedding day. Here are a couple of random things about our wedding that I've thought about today:

-A photographer from the local newspaper was out at Furman that day and asked for my name in case he published a picture of my photographer taking pics of me; I don't know that it was ever published
-The salon where I was to get my hair done had to shut down due to fumes; thankfully, my girl came to the hotel instead of ditching me
-I had breakfast with my dad that morning
-My florist was in the hospital all week, including the wedding day
-About 10 mins before the ceremony our pastor told me he hates public speaking; that might explain why he forgot to tell us to face one another when saying our vows. Maybe Brett's technically married to the pastor?
-I didn't need alterations on my dress.
-Our getaway car was a 1956 Rolls Royce.
-Our moms wore almost the exact same dress, and it was totally unplanned, other than the color.
-I ate lunch at Atlanta Bread Company with Kelley. I was wearing my jeans, shirt, and veil. And people didn't believe me when I said I was getting married!
-Brett ate lunch at Carson's with all his FU buddies; they were in their tuxes.
-I commented to Brett during the ceremony, "This is the shortest ceremoney EVER!"
-I didn't follow the whole "Something old, something new..." thing; I had some parts, but not all.
-The out-of-town bags for our guests included a stamped and addressed postcard. We received them randomly for weeks afterwards and even got blank ones!
-I never met the lady who made our cake.
-It started to rain on our way to the bed and breakfast.
-I still haven't developed all the pics from the disposable cameras. Nor have I organized the candid shots from people into an album.
-I wish I had a reason to wear my dress all the time...or at least once a week!
-We got to take fun pictures with our wedding party and also of the two of us.
-I had so much fun that day!


Kelley C said...

I loved your wedding. I thought it was so beautiful and classy. And your matron of honor was HOT!

Kelley C said...

oh and happy anniversary and happy closing on your house day!

merritt said...

I know; she is way good-lookin!

Thanks! We own a house now. Weird. I put this on your blog, but you know that this is the first time I've done a big life event before you! Guess you can't be first at everything! =)

Julia said...

I loved reading those thoughts! I'll keep them in mind! It makes me feel a lot calmer about the things I have been worried about recently.

And p.s. I hate these word verification things...it makes me feel like my vision is bad.

merritt said...

Those word verification things make me feel stupid because I swear I enter it right and almost every time I have to redo it because it says I was wrong. Dumb things. But I hate spammers more, so that's why I do it.

Yeah, Jilly, don't worry too much about the wedding. You got a groom, a dress, and a pastor, and your BFFs coming. That's all that really matters!

Anonymous said...

I REALLY enjoy having to put in the word verification when I'm commenting on my OWN blog...

Mark said...

I know it's been forever since I've checked in here, but with a newborn in the house, I have a lot more time to sit quietly and rock (at random hours of the night, of course) - which is better done in front of the computer. I LOVED reading your wedding memories - I had so much fun that day. And I'm pretty sure Mark also commented on the brevity of the ceremony!