Monday, July 30, 2007

Adios, Houston

In just a few days we will be leaving Houston for good. In honor of our upcoming departure, I have compiled a list of things we will and won't miss about this town of 4 million.

Things I won't miss (in no particular order):
1. The crime
2. Insanely aggressive drivers (that guy was not waving when he passed me when I was going 75 in the 65mph zone)
3. Humidity
4. Lack of seasons
5. Traffic, when we do get stuck outside the loop
6. Our apartment (it's not horrible, but I'm ready for my house!)
7. Electricity prices
8. Pot-hole filled right lanes throughout town
9. Mandatory valet parking at the restaurants
10. Blood-sucking mosquitoes

Things I will miss (in no particular order):
1. Sonic Drive-In
2. Bluebell Icecream
3. Thunderstorms
4. Lots of rain
5. Living "in the loop" & not having to deal w/traffic
6. Bluebonnets
7. Proximity to family
8. TX plates on my car
9. The fabulous restaurants
10. Grace Bible Church
11. The Galleria
12. The downtown skyline, at nite especially
13. The rodeo
14. Seeing people in big trucks, boots, and cowboy hats even when it's not at the rodeo
15. Really good country music stations
16. Brett's short commute to work
17. Great shopping nearby
18. Central Market's Iced Chai
19. Having a maintenance man when there's an issue w/the apt
20. Access roads


Brett said...

And we'll miss some fabulous people!

Erin said...

Are there not Sonic Drive-In's in northern VA? We have them here all over the place in southwest/central VA. I'll hope so, for your sake! Good luck with the move :)

merritt said...

oh yeah- friends, too! =)

The closest Sonic is about 50 miles away. Not exactly convenient for a late-nite snack...

Anonymous said...

Brett & Merritt,

All the best! I'm glad you'll keep the blog that way this quasi-fab person won't miss y'all as much. Enjoy the stories and look forward to new ones after you get settled. Take care. Pam

merritt said...

Thanks, Pam. I'm glad that you can keep up with us while we are away! We'll see you at the reunion in a few years!!

Brett said...

We will also see Pam in October when she comes up to DC for the conference.

Kelley C said...

Aw Merritt its the first place you've lived that I haven't seen. Sad :(

merritt said...

Kel, you'll have to make up for it by coming to visit DC twice as often!