Monday, July 16, 2007

Rain: I'm obsessed

I find that when the dark clouds come, the thunder rolls, and then then the storm passes over, I am highly disappointed. I think I have an obsession with thunderstorms and rain.

Today as I was driving to tutor, I could see that for a portion of my drive I was driving right into the storm. I don't like driving in rain, but I was happy to see these fantastic, ominous clouds building up. Storms in Texas really are amazing to see. If I had my camera, I would have taken a picture (I got this one from the internet). I figured that once I turned north on my drive I would avoid the driving in the rain, but would get to enjoy it once I came home to the apartment. No such luck. By the time I came home, it was sunny and perfect. That's great, but I missed the rain! And I was really bummed.

So, although we are moving to a Washington, I have concluded that I am one of the few people who would love living in Washington State, amongst the cloudy weather and almost daily drizzle. People here in Texas are tired of all the rain we've been getting (which I understand because it's flooded so many places), but, in general, I can't get enough!

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