Friday, July 13, 2007


Obviously, I don't need a 12 step program. I've heard that admitting your addiction is the first step, but apparently for me, it's the only step. As soon as I admitted that I was addicted (see below), I lost all ideas! Sorry for the absence lately; I'm sure that I'll pick things back up shortly.

In all honesty, I'm probably not cured. It's highly likely I will relapse in the next day or two. There are only a few reasons why I wouldn't post for several days at a time, oh faithful readers:
a) out of town
b) no internet
c) lousy week
d) strike due to lack of comments (yes, I do this)

You can probably guess which one it was this time. But, my husband took me out to Pei Wei, I still have flowers left over from last week, and today I got a manicure so my nails look good; things are looking up!


Anonymous said...

I've never been to Pei Wei, but just reading the name makes me I can only imagine what a great thing it would be to actually eat there! Yea for a new post.

merritt said...

Pei Wei is delish. It's definitely one of my favorite places that I will be giving up soon. There's one about 20 miles from our new house, but not the 2 miles like here! I could go there at least once a week. Mmmm! And they have free fortune cookies that you can read and add "in bed" after. Immature, I know, but fun!

EMU said...

Yum. I like Pei Wei too. You reminded me that I need to go there soon.

And don't stop blogging! I love reading your musings! :)

merritt said...

Thanks, emu! You were absent for a couple of days on your blog, too! You aren't allowed to do that! =)