Monday, April 30, 2007

You won't believe it

This is unheard of. I have maybe done this once or twice before in my life. I don't know what happened. Is it being alone? Being busy? Being lazy? I think it was being late this morning that made me do it: I didn't make the bed! Dad, I'm so ashamed and I may have to make it before I get in it just to make it feel less messy!

Create yours at!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

It's starting again....

It's the time again. You know -- when my hubby has to leave for his monthly road trip. It's such a bummer. He wines and dines all week while I'm left here to fend for myself and try to come up with activities. I have a couple things on tap this week (thankfully!), but, ladies and gentlemen, be prepared. You never know what might come out of my boredom while he's gone, as evidenced last month.

The good thing is that, although he enjoys the trips very much, he misses me even more, and is always glad to come home and be with me! And that's always fun!

Why I had breakfast for breakfast and lunch

I'm embarrassed to tell you what we did this morning. We woke up around 830, which isn't slothful at all. Just wait. I got up and made cinnamon rolls, as is my usual Saturday AM activity, and checked my email and the news while they baked. Brett turned on ESPN while we basked in the glory of having a free Saturday in which we could do whatever we wanted. And then it happened. I said I was going to lie on the bed "just because I can". Brett came too; and then we woke up again at 1130! Can you believe that? We got up, ate, checked the news, and then went back to sleep? How could we be so lazy?! Once we got up at 1130, it was like waking up for the first time, so I went ahead and had breakfast instead of lunch. We made up for it later by going on a 3 mile walk.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

And the winner is...

Jonathan! Very impressive!

He correctly answered the riddle I posted last week. J, as promised you will receive a note of congratulations in the mail. I'm completely impressed, because I wouldn't have been able to figure it out. I'm not good at those things.

Here's the riddle again, and an explanation.
What is the next series of numbers?

Answer: 1113213211
Each line is a phrase telling the line previous to it. For example, the second line says that there is "one one" in the line before it. The third line remarks that there are "two ones" in the second line. In the last line, there is "one one, one three, two ones, three twos, one one".

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Differences between the guy and gal

Yes, I know boys and girls are different. But what's really fun is to see that played out in our niece Madi and our nephew Kadin, who are only 6 months apart. The pictures are a good example of the fact that boys will be boys and every girl is a cute little princess.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Funny quotes

Here are some random quotes that made me laugh.

"Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country."
-Mayor Marion Barry, Washington, DC.

"The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you."
-Rita Mae Brown.

"My wife has a slight impediment in her speech. Every now and then she stops to breathe."
-Jimmy Durante

"Ever wonder if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?"
-John Mendosa.

"There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot."
-Steven Wright

"On my income tax 1040 it says 'Check this box if you are blind.' I wanted to put a check mark about three inches away."
-Tom Lehrer

Did you have a favorite?

Sunday, April 22, 2007


My husband is my Hero! Today is the first day that I've had real internet access in about a month! Our new router came, but didn't work with my computer for some reason, and he was able to spend some quality time fixing it! YAY!

Last nite, we watched as Brett's coworker got married! It was a pretty wedding, and Tracy and Adam seemed madly in love! They had this cool country band playing the whole time, which was great! I can guarantee the next few weddings we attend, we won't hear any renditions of "God Blessed Texas"! And the wedding cake lived up to my standards, especially the icing! mmmm! What's the point of a wedding without good wedding cake? Seriously. I'm very jealous that they will be spending a week of pure bliss at some Mexican resort while...well, I live normal life.

We just returned from taking a stroll to the pet store and the book store near us. Is it as pretty where you are as it is here? I've got to make up a Spanish test and do some laundry, and then tonite we really are going to watch our Netflix movie.

OH-And I have to announce that my friend Celeste got engaged!!! She lives with my parents right now, and I like to call her my parents' good daughter, because she has a heart of gold, unlike me. She's amazing! Anyway, I think her man Tommy is fabulous, and am so excited that they are gettin' hitched! She and Mom called last nite to wake me up and tell me, and I'm so glad!

Friday, April 20, 2007

The Satisfaction of Friday

There's something about coming upon Friday afternoon around 5 that just makes me give a sigh of relief: I've made it. Not that my week was necessarily terrible or trying, but it's just good to know that another weekend is here. God was totally right in resting on the 7th day (I prefer to take 2 days to rest!), as He knew that we earthlings were going to need a respite every week. Brett likes every other Friday, since that means payday and he finally gets rewarded for slaving away the last two weeks! =)

Today comes with particular relief, since I've been working a lot. My latest project has been teaching a high school student. It's teaching, not tutoring. He's missed a bunch of school and is now being homeschooled to catch up so he can go into his senior year in the fall. We are becoming good friends and he's learning that I am demanding and a perfectionist. After dealing with a bunch of middle schoolers today, it was nice to have this "mature" junior.

My great hubby decided that since I've been working so hard, I deserved dinner at one of my favorite places: Pei Wei. It was very yummy! And now we are back home doing what I love to do on Friday nite: nothing!

Here's a riddle for you. I'll post the answer in a day or two.
What row of numbers comes next?

I'll send the winner a personal note of congratulations. (and no cheating on the internet!)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Holly here!

That is the only thing on my calendar for the whole day today! And that's impressive, because I usually have my list of to-dos and a million other things jotted down on each day!

Holly is the very first person I met when I went to college. We lived across the hall from one another, and I remember she wore yellow and we hung out with our parents that day while the marching band played (funny what you remember, isn't it?). I don't see her often, so I was excited when she told me she was coming here for some meetings (she is an amazing person who works for Young Life)! We got to hang out the whole day, talking almost constantly from the airport to the apartment to the mall to the other shopping center to CFA to the hotel, etc! I'm so glad she came early just to see me!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Lighter news

I'm sure everyone has heard about the horrific shootings at Virginia Tech. We are praising the Lord that Brett's cousin Katie isn't harmed. Be praying for her. I cannot imagine being amid that situation.

Since the news today was especially heavy, I thought I'd do a much lighter post talking about the random things happening since I was last jotting down my thoughts. My brain is a bit fuzzy today because I left the house around 7am and returned at 640pm. I subbed and then tutored all day long, so I am wiped out!

I hadn't posted yet, but we enjoyed a great weekend! On Friday afternoon, I picked up our friend Richard from the airport. He came to town from where we used to live so that he could visit his college roommate. We were thrilled that he had saved all of Friday for us! Richard was "that guy" that really made us feel welcome when we were looking for a good church and friends. He has the cutest daughter in the world, and we've mentioned that she needs your prayers. Go visit Kerith's website.

Then on Saturday, Brett and I window shopped! We are a bit obsessive in that we think about our house a lot right now. So just for fun we went to places like Home Depot, Circuit City, and a furniture store just to see what ideas we could pull together. The great thing is that we didn't spend any money, and it was a fun date all in one!

I guess that's all for now! It's time for me to read and then go to bed! I get to see a fun friend tomorrow!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Our House!


When we looked at houses over the weekend, we found one that we loved. Since we liked it, we decided to go ahead and make an offer (after much prayer and seeking advice!). The worst that could happen was that the seller would say no, right? Considering the fact that we asked for a closing date in late July, we weren't expecting a yes, but were hopeful. After a few days of negotiating, the deal is done! And we've even got our late closing date! Of course, we are thrilled and can't wait to actually move in and make it ours! Now we need a name for our house: Chez Shu? Feel free to offer suggestions.

The main level has a living and dining room (she doesn't have a table in it, so it looks like another living room) and a kitchen. Downstairs is the built-in office and rec room, and a bathroom with washer and dryer. Upstairs is 2 beds and one bath.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

He's an Esquire

Brett now has the certificate to prove to everyone that he truly did graduate and pass the bar! Just one more thing to go along with all his many other awards and papers that we have framed! His office is gonna look good!

Monday, April 09, 2007

The Egg Hunt

A few weeks ago, I emailed my fabulous mother-in-law and asked if it would be too much trouble for them to put together an egg hunt for Brett and me. I still like to hunt for eggs, and since they have a great yard and big hearts willing to do anything for me, I knew this would be fun!

Growing up in Texas, Easter weekend was usually when we opened the pool in our backyard (well, really, only Marty would jump in...but technically that symbolized it was open!) because the warm weather was already here. The day before Easter in Virginia, we woke up with snow. Sunday morning, it was freezing! Nevertheless, Brett and I ran like madpeople in search of at least 33 of 64 eggs (you want to beat the other person, right!?). Or maybe I was the one going nuts over finding them. Everyone knew I was getting serious when I took off my church shoes and went barefoot (did I mention it was in the 40s?). My parents had to put our names on our eggs because it got too aggressive. These didn't have names on them, though, and I beat Brett by 4 eggs!

I included an action shot and our stash of eggs! It was great fun!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Weekend

Happy Easter to All!

We are home! Our weekend was wonderful, as it always is when we go visit parents! In addition to seeing parents and Grandma Bee, we even had time to hang out with Richie and Liz, as well as Melissa and Betsy! Saturday we spent the whole day, literally, shopping for a house to buy. I'll give a more detailed listing of the weekend events with pictures later this week. We didn't buy a house, if that's what you want to know. (We are thinking about it, though...)

"Don't be alarmed," he [the angel] said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him."
Mark 16:6

Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday

My favorite husband returned home to me, and life has been much less boring and lonely since then! In fact, as I write this, we are 1000 miles from home! We are taking advantage of the Easter weekend to visit his folks and go on a house-hunting spree! It will be a really fun day, I think! Be praying for us! Oh--and birthday month continued once I got here! I got some great jewelry from Charlie and Jo! This is the longest birthday month ever!

I've used enough exclamations for one post, so now I must go. Chao!

Isaiah 53:5
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Ode to My Husband

Have you noticed in the last few days
That not very much has been on the blog?
It's been rather boring, dull, and calm
You'd think I've become a bump on a log.

Well, the reason for this lack of excitement
In the last few days has been made very clear
It's because my dear, sweet husband took a trip
Which means he's been away, and not here.

As the week has dragged on from Sunday til now,
It has become truly apparent and obvious to me
That Brett really is my inspiration and reason.
Without him, where would this blog be?

We go on fun dates or road trips he plans.
He takes me to dinner or lets us stay in.
He tickles or talks to or teases me always
And once in a while we'll just sit to play Gin (Rummy).

He listens as I tell my stories and jokes
Of nonsense and seriousness and fun.
He emails me when he's at the office,
And gives me a call as he's leaving and done.

Since he's not here, I'm all out of sorts
I miss all those things when he is away.
So I honor him now as my sole inspiration
And can't wait for tomorrow to become today!

He's gonna come home, and I'll be so excited
I'll be happy as a clam when he's back in my world.
We'll talk and catch up and have a good time,
And the great thing is I'll no longer be bored!

I won't have the time to sit at my mac
And write stanzas on end in verse about my dear.
Instead I'll be doing things that are much better
like dates or movies or just enjoying that he's here.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Pray for Katie

Dear Friends,
Today I am asking you to become prayer warriors for two fellow classmates from law school. Katie is in her last days as she battles cancer. Her husband of 5 months stands by her side. Please pray that Katie can be pain free as she enters His Rest. And please lift up her family, friends, but especially her incredibly loving husband Keith. I cannot begin to fathom the pain he must feel.

Please visit Katie's website to read her story.

Things I collect

When I was younger, I used to collect cat figurines. I had tons of them. And not just the stupid ones. I was particular about getting cats that didn't put me into a "baby" category for collecting them, but did it in a way that made it alright...almost cool. I also collected Pooh Bears. Technically, I guess I still collect them, since I do still get them every once in a while. Our first child is carry around and have at least 20 Poohs.

As I was reminded of the fun things I used to collect, I tried to think of things I collect now that I am a "grown-up". There are only two things that come to mind: socks and kitchen linens. It's fun for me, but as I read that, it sounds so boring! =) I like themed ones, seasonal ones, bright ones, plaid ones. I have many more socks than tablecloths or kitchen towels, but I'm sure my collection will grow in the kitchen....especially once I move into a house with one that's bigger than my shoebox kitchen now.

So, I've decided that maybe one day I should start collecting something else. Socks and kitchen towels are pretty cheap to collect, so maybe that's why I've been doing those. Or maybe it's because I'm a clutter nazi and my said collection doesn't clutter up my apartment. Or maybe because it's practical, and I can justify my collection because I HAVE to wear socks anyway! I don't know.

Does anyone collect anything fun? Or not fun? Just anything at all?

Shoes...maybe that's what I should start collecting. I DO like them, now that I think about it! And collecting shoes would also be practical, don't you think?!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

The finale of Birthday Month

March is my birthday month, and we have certainly done a lot! It's especially fun, though, that we truly did celebrate from the very first day to the very last day, as today I finally got to enjoy my present from Brett: tickets to see Broadway's musical Wicked!

We started off the evening by heading down to the Hard Rock Cafe downtown. HRCs are always cool places to go visit. Something about them that I really like. It was also perfect because we were able to go park for dinner and avoid the traffic of people parking for the play. While at HRC we ordered what turned out to be the most gigantic chocolate sundae brownie dessert! Mmmmm!

After dinner, we walked over to the play! It's absolutely phenomenal! I'd heard it was good, but I really, really loved it. If you aren't familiar with the storyline, here's a brief explanation: Wicked goes back to talk about the two witches from Oz. The majority of the play covers the history previous to the well-known movie Wizard of Oz, but it does scan into the future after what is seen in the movie. It's a great story, and it had parts that I didn't expect or know exactly how it would turn out.

Now, sadly, the birthday month is over. But, it was the perfect birthday gift, and well worth the wait!