Saturday, July 28, 2007

Today's list

Things I did today:
-Woke up screaming at 545am. I guess I was having a really intense dream, because when the thunder boomed, I immediately started screaming. Loudly. And long. And I broke a fingernail in the process of covering my ears with my hands. Rough way to start the day. Brett had to reach over and assure me that I had been dreaming & it was just thunder.
-Dropped my phone. This happens more often than I want to admit, but this time, my phone wouldn't work. I found a store and the guy was able to get it to turn on, but my screen won't display anything. I can receive and make calls, but if I don't have your number memorized (that's basically everyone except Brett and Mom), you won't be hearing from me for a while, since I can't search my address book.
-Tutored. Just one more day and my work there is done.
-Did laundry all afternoon at the Driver's house. Brett was able to sell our washer and dryer last week while I was away, which meant that I hadn't done laundry for about 2 weeks. The washaterias nearby are a bit sketchy, so Ginger was kind enough to let me bum her machines for a few hours.
-Dozed off while watching the news and woke up confused as to whether it was day or nite, Friday or Saturday.
-Sat at Starbucks sipping a chai latte with my hubby.
-Watched Breach with Brett holding my hand tight. Good movie.

Tomorrow is our last Saturday here in Houston. It's hard to believe!


Julia said...

Craig and i watched Breach last night! Crazy. Sorry about the broken fingernail.

merritt said...

Great minds think alike! Did you like it, Jill?