Thursday, November 30, 2006

Highs and lows

Our weather here is insane; that's all I can say about it. As I read the weather report in our paper, I couldn't help but be amazed: we set a record high yesterday of 83; then just under that news is a box with freeze and wind warning information for today. See for yourself.

I won't complain, though; I welcome the cold weather!
(pic from the front page today!)

Happy Birthday, Lauren!

LP is my roommate. Well, technically, she's not anymore since I have Brett as a roomie, but in my mind, she'll always be! And today is her birthday, so this is a shout-out to her, wishing her a fabulous day. I hope that the kiddos make you feel loved and you enjoy celebrating today! You've definitely earned a flower today! Much love!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


....times I've made lasagna since being married? (practically)
....dollars I make when I sub? (not quite)
....coke floats I've had in my lifetime? (higher)
....framed pictures in my home? (close)
....friends I have? (well, I AM popular...)
....countries I've visited? (I wish!)
....reasons why I love my husband? (and so many more!)
....times I've been wrong? (not close--that's high, in case you wondered!)
....times I've tried to stop popping my knuckles? (ergh...)
....jokes I know? (I don't tell jokes; I'm naturally funny)
....times I've beat someone at Dance, Dance Revolution? (Kel is better)
....times I get on my computer each day? (sadly)

This time 100 is the number of posts we have written on our lovely blog. I'm sure our adoring public is keeping track, anticipating the moment when they hit "refresh" and a new one appears. Happy 100 Posts to us!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Happy Birthday, Stephanie!

Today is my friend Stephanie's birthday! We grew up playing volleyball and basketball, our best trick on the courts being the fact that our opponents couldn't tell us apart. When we worked together at Cheddar's for years, no one believed us when we said we weren't related! Ahhh...the good ole days. Steph, hope you had a great day and are enjoying a real winter up North!

Friday, November 24, 2006


I love my uncle Brett!

Turkey Trot

Well, we ate our turkey, took our nap, and then went to get our exercise! Mom, Dad, Hubby, and I took a short ride this afternoon, they on their tandem and us on our hybrids. We rewarded ourselves for this great job by eating more turkey and pumpkin pie when we got back! Don't we look cool?

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Turkey Day!

Things that are great about Thanksgiving: Macy's Day Parade, family, a lazy day, the roar of football, the start of Christmas music, homemade cooking, being a glutton all day, pumpkin pie, sweet potatoes and marshallows, and most of all, tryptophan and that afternoon nap!


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Celebrity look-alikes

These are hilarious! I used our passport photos to see which famous celebs we look like. Makes me wonder if we aren't as good looking as I think we are! Why are two guys in mine? And there's one of Brett's that is particularly funny...

The to-do list

I love to-do lists, don't you? I don't necessarily like doing everything on the list, but I like that there is a list which will measure my accomplishments throughout the day. Today I was very successful. I did things today I didn't even know were going to be on my list; so, naturally, after I did them, I came home, added each and then checked them off! I look so productive! It's such a great feeling!

Monday, November 20, 2006


I'm no longer a stay-at-home-wife since today I officially began working at our church! I get to work in an office with Kristin, the girl who practically runs the whole church! She's great fun! I'll probably be working a couple of days a week, depending on how much they need me and what my sub schedule is like. I think it'll be a perfect fit.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Dinner OR a movie

I feel badly for young men today who want to take that girl out on the first or second date, because unless he's rich, he's going to have to tell her that she can choose dinner OR a movie, but not both.

Our church is currently meeting in a movie theatre while remodeling. We've always wanted to go to a movie after church and since the wafting popcorn smell was especially strong during the service, we chose today. This is also a brilliant idea because then a) we don't have to pay for the parking and b) we get the matinee rate.

B went down to get tickets to see the new 007 movie and came up emptyhanded. Tickets for a matinee are $8.75! If we go to an evening show, we'll pay $11 a piece and then for parking; that's $25 without the popcorn and coke, and every good date should offer a woman those options. Luckily, Brett knows his wife is too cheap to spend that much and he got away with taking me home for lunch and to Target for groceries.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Our first tree

This is our third holiday season as a married couple, yet it's the first one that we've actually decided to have a Christmas tree. Maybe that's why I've been anticipating this season so much. Today was the day we set up our miniature tree. Cute, huh?

We topped off the evening with Marble Slab; not the traditional eggnog or hot chocolate but delicious!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Christmas lights

B's folks always decorate their home for the annual neighborhood Christmas contest. We don't know this year's theme, but maybe it'll look something like this one. My dad and I loved watching this video last Christmas. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Fun photos

These are pictures from the last month or so:

Monday, November 13, 2006

Third Ward

Wards. That doesn't bring to mind large neighborhoods with green lawns and bicycles in the front. Yet this is where we wanted to go to get our travel vaccines. I say "wanted" in the sense of "This is the place that has the shots for the cheapest price--by at least 1/2." and not in the "Yay--let's go get a shot today! I LOVE getting a needle stuck in me!".

We were pleasantly surprised when the government clinic in the Third Ward was very nice, new, and super clean. And best of all, there was NO line! (WHAT!?!)

We tell the nice lady we need typhoid vaccines, and she replies that she does not have the shot. Uh-oh; I think back to which of the three appointments at the travel clinics I still have scheduled. But, Nice Lady tells us that instead she has pills we can take! We got top-notch service and didn't even have to get shot!

So, my new theory is "Why get a shot when you can take a pill?". I should ask this question before every vaccine I go to get. Lucky for me, I don't need any more shots for India. My dad's going to give B one of his next week. Should be interesting! :)

Oh--and speaking of medicinal things: I was supposed to sub today, but I got a call saying the school was closed because all the kids broke out with a rash. Ewwwww.....

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Too early?

I think that since it was actually in the 40s last night and only in the 60s today, we feel as though winter is here, and therefore, the holiday season and Christmas music. Or maybe the problem comes with the fact that I'm clearly merging into my married name: I've gotten the majority of my Christmas shopping done already! Usually, I do my shopping MUCH later, when Christmas music is certainly allowed and, in fact, demanded by the public. It's just not Christmas shopping if I can't listen to Christmas music, so I turned it on while internet shopping. Sorry, I had to do so.

Is it too early for Christmas music?
Free polls from

Friday, November 10, 2006

Great minds think alike

The hubby called me on his way home from work, and said that he'd like to take me out to dinner and asked me to pick a place! I love that! For two weeks I've been craving Chinese food, so I knew that much. I'd passed and heard a friend talk about a place I vaguely remember being called Pei Wei. I was looking it up on my computer when Brett came home, announcing he had a a great suggestion for dinner as recommended by friends at work: Pei Wei! Two people; same thought! It was a delicious dinner!

We also just watched The Sentinel. Great movie about The Presidency, the Secret Service, and an assassination plot.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

30,000+ words

Brett owes thanks to my friend Katy and our Bible study because I got to talk to them.

See, Brett left town on Sunday and didn't return until Wednesday nite (which was a day earlier than expected!). The big problem was that my plans got changed, and I ended up not having anything to do those days....or anyone to talk to. And since most women use about 30,000 words each day (and I'm probably higher than that), I had about 90,000 words pent up--ready for him!

Luckily, I had dinner with Katy and got to go to Bible study and get rid of lots before I saw him. "Hi, Love! Hey, did you hear that......and, by the way, I went to....and then this guy.....and how come.............."

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Big purchase

For a whole month we've been wanting to buy one of these. We knew it would make our lives easier and much more convenient. It would aid in our ability to sit lazily in front of the TV, so we finally broke down. We walked into Radio Shack and asked for the cheapest they had. Two minutes later and a whole $8 poorer, we finally have a remote for our television.

Friday, November 03, 2006

3 links

I spent most of my day teaching Spanish at Grace School, the first time I had been over to that middle school. After my day ended, I met a teacher with whom I found three different links that brought us together:

1. She attended FU and currently has a daughter there.

2. She grew up in Winston Salem!

3. She has family in the area still. Turns out her niece was in my class for two years!

Pretty amazing, huh? We had a fun time talking, and I'm looking forward to going back in a few weeks to hear if she's talked to her niece at all!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Unanswered Question #1

Why is roadkill almost always on the shoulder of the road?

Do animals, in their last dying breath (and a little too late), realize that they don't want to be a hazard to drivers and make their way over to the shoulder? Is there a "Roadkill Guy" who is a city employee, responsible for moving these eyesores?

Your wisdom is highly appreciated, as this is one of my random questions that my husband can't seem to answer for me.