Thursday, May 31, 2007

We're off

I came home today looking like a drowned rat because of rain. I didn't even know it was supposed to rain, but boy, did it pour! And now I'm awake still and our plane leaves at 730 tomorrow morning. Yep, you read that right. My laundry still isn't done. And I left my sunglasses at church. I'm gonna be wrinkled and squinting all down the East coast, but hopefully I'll be dry because there is great weather on Friday for the wedding!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Richie's Bachelor Party

I just got back from an awesome weekend on the Chesapeake Bay for Richie's bachelor party. We played football and whiffle ball, threw the baseball, went tubing on the water, and ate lots of great food. Here's a group shot:

Here's Richie giving me firearm instructions:

Here's me, Richie, and Kyle about to go tubing:

Us eating crabs:

Andrew, Richie, Kyle, and Josh just chillin':

Richie trespassing on private property - an abandoned house built on the water:

Vienna guys: Andrew, Morgan, Aaron, Matt, Richie:

Cruising on the Bay:

The Furman guys: Brett, Kyle, Richie, Josh:

An awesome weekend!

Good luck to Richie! More from the wedding to come....

Monday, May 28, 2007

Bachin' it up!

We were both single people this weekend. Brett flew up to MD for Richie's bachelor party, and I went to Austin to hang out with Annah! We both had a great time (but, of course, it's great to be back together!)!

Annah gave me the grand tour of Austin! We did normal stuff like run errands and watch girly movies, but we also went to a museum, got a massage, and saw a movie at this theatre in which you eat while you watch! It's cool! It rained like crazy much of the weekend, so we were glad we hadn't made plans to head to the lake! And this morning I had some yummy blueberry pancakes; I can almost still taste them--they were delicious!

Brett spent most of his weekend with 13 other guys on the bay. He's incredibly sore and tired from tubing, playing games of football, throwing the baseball, and getting thrown into the water from the jetski!

Thank goodness it's a short week for us!

Friday, May 25, 2007

School's out for summer!

I finished up proctoring exams today, which means I am officially on summer break!! It doesn't have quite the same feel as after a full year of grueling full-time teaching, but it is sorta nice. I'll still be tutoring during the week, for which I am so grateful. I'd be bored stiff otherwise, I think!

After I finished at school, I dropped B's jeep by the shop since it was overheating. Then I walked back to my apartment and then I was the one overheating! I think it's about 2 miles? Not sure. Brett came home early and we immediately left for the airport. He is en route to Richie's bachelor party up in MD. I came back, and the guys at the shop had pity on me and came to get me so I could pay for the car and get on my way!

So I'm left here to find something to entertain myself this evening. And let me tell ya, there's nothing on TV Friday nites! What happened to TGIF? I used to live for Friday nite TV!

I'm off tomorrow to Austin for a couple of days to hang out with Annah! Catch ya later!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I guess she's done

This week I am proctoring exams at one of the high schools here in town. Today I had a class full of sophomores who were taking either chemistry or environmental science. Sounds wretched to me. About 5 mins before the 3 hour test was over, a student stood up, huffed, and proceeded to tear her 200 question scantron; then she walked out the door! There were only 3 other girls in the classroom at the time and for a moment we all sat stunned. I just had to look at the girls and tell them that I guess she was done with the test!

Now it's time to brag about my fabulous, loving, wonderful, perfect, giving, sacrificing, caring, amazing, and generous husband! I get to keep them both! I'm really excited because Richie and Liz are getting married in just over a week, and now I have two new dresses!

Cat story

My brother posted this story on his blog, and it's really amazing! Cats are the greatest!

Monday, May 21, 2007


Remember how we've talked about the fact that I do weird things when my hubby is gone? It happened again. As I type this, I'm sitting here in one of TWO dresses that I just bought!! It's a good thing he's coming home tomorrow; otherwise, you never know what else I might go buy!

To be fair, the dresses were 50% off; then if I bought one sale item, I got the other at 50% it's price. So, basically, it was a steal, right? Plus, I had birthday money left over to buy one dress, but he told me to get both. He says he'll come home and pick which one to keep. It's highly likely I'll end up with both once he finds out what a great deal I got. And we have another wedding and rehearsal coming up, so I'll use them. And once he sees them on, he's gonna think I look so fabulous, he won't want me to return either! He's great like that.

Since no one is here to stop me, I'm going to prance around all evening in my dresses and heels. Yes, prance.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Happy Birthday, Annah!

Today is Annah's birthday! If you don't know her, it's a shame. I met her when she came to my school in 6th grade. She wore a yellow dress with flowers and a GINORMOUS bow the first time I saw her; I immediately despised her. After a while, though, we became great friends! I even convinced her to travel to Spain with me when we were ourselves; we still love to laugh about all those experiences! We reminisce about Angelo and talk about life. She came to SC to be in our wedding, and immediately fit in with all these friends of mine she had never met. She's an amazing friend, and I've enjoyed all the many adventures we've had! Happy Birthday!

Wedding Fun

For the last 8 hours, we've been enjoying some wedding fun.

First was Amy and David's wedding. They are in our Bible study at church and are just great people. Amy looked radiant the whole time; David was relaxed as could be. Their reception was at a beautiful country club in town, and we enjoyed hanging out with people from our Bible study: Shaun, Edie, Evan, and Erin.

Unfortunately, we had to leave early, to get to another party! (But not before I got my cake; I ate it on the way out the door. Literally. I put the plate down on a random table just before leaving! I refuse to miss cake at a wedding!)

Our second party of the evening (how many of you can say that?!) was at Brett's boss's house. She threw a party for Tracy and Adam, who got married a few weeks ago. The weather was beautiful, and we all got to eat outside on the patio. She made chicken curry that was delicious (yeah...our second dinner of the nite), and we got to relax and enjoy time with lots of Brett's coworkers.

At Amy and David's wedding

The evening was great, but now we are exhausted! Off to bed...

Friday, May 18, 2007

Guzzling the Gallons

Yesterday when I stopped for gas, I was excited to see that "my" station had $2.87 listed. When I got to the pump, though, I had to pay $2.94! I thought I had been totally ripped off; false advertising or something like that. But then today, about 2 blocks beyond my station, gas is $2.99; beyond that was $3.09; and I even saw one for $3.17! So, apparently, I got the deal of the week.

I hate paying so much for gas. When I was 16 (which wasn't all that long ago), gas was only $0.89 (ahhh...the good ole days!). Whenever I see the prices keep creeping up, though, I just have to remind myself that I should thank the Lord that I actually have to pay for gas, since that means I have my own vehicle. And, I don't have to get a gallon at a time. The Lord's blessed us enough that I can pay $3 a gallon; I just don't want to do it!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Baseball Night

We are just getting back from a perfect evening of baseball! It's one of those nights when the wind is just right, the temperature isn't too hot, and the home team wins. Our friends had tickets to the game and invited us to attend. They were great seats, only about 25 rows back from home plate! You could actually SEE the players instead of the specks you assume are players! And, of course,we indulged in the $5 ballpark dog, which tasted divine just because we were at a game. Here's the famous Barry Bonds getting ready to hit...which he never did the whole night. Go Astros!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Friends of Old

By 9am today, I had already been up, showered, and volunteered with some girls from church to help serve breakfast at a school, and returned home. My husband had barely left the house! Our life this year is so carefree; it's such a blessing!

The rest of my day was fairly mundane, except I did take my Jeep to Midas to get the oil changed and found out I need other stuff done. Of course. I only go change the oil on Tuesday. That's Ladies' Day, and it only costs $12! Great deal, huh?! I don't mind being the dumb lady that couldn't tell you where the oil is on days like that! I love that place, though; they are just good, honest mechanics.

Then at 4pm, my day started to get fun! I grew up with a friend named Jessica. We were great buddies when we were little because we were both homeschooled, and then later, she even went to my school for a year. Somehow we drifted apart, but she's one of those people I loved even though we never talked. We reconnected this year, and today she came to visit! She married a great guy in December, and they are raising support for their ministry with Campus Crusade.

Right now they live in about 12 different cities; in August they plan to move to NOLA; and then 2 years after that they pray the Lord will take them back to Russia where they met. Awesome folks! Her hubby gave us girl time and then the boys came back to the apartment in time for dinner. It was great to catch up with this friend I hadn't seen in years; yet, we chatted as if we'd seen each other last week.

Change is good

When I was in junior high and high school, I used to change my bedroom furniture around all the time. Every few months I would ask my brothers and/or dad to be so kind as to help me drag my big bed to the other side of the room. And sometimes, I'd changed it and not like it; then soon afterwards change it back. My bedroom now doesn't afford such versatility, so I am forced to find ways to change things up elsewhere. Enter the blog. If you've been a faithful reader (lurker) of this blog for some time now, I'm sure you've noticed that colors seem to change. And today it was time for big change. I changed the layout. I know. Don't stop in your tracks. Life will go on. Remember, change is long as I like it.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

So Many Memories

As I noted earlier, today is Mom and Dad's 40th wedding anniversary! Can you believe that? That's incredible! All of us kids wanted to make sure that they got something really special, so we were able to hijack their email address book and send emails and snail mail to lots of their friends. These friends then emailed or mailed letters, pictures, and notes talking about how Mom and Dad are so fabulous!

In the end, we (Mike, Jeni, Brett, Merritt on behalf of everyone) presented them with a 100 page memory album full of notes from their friends and family, rejoicing with them at their 40 years! It was great fun, and I was SO excited to give it, since I knew they had NO clue! Both were completely surprised and touched once they realized that about 80 people had sent in personal letters, along with pictures, telling Mom and Dad how they have been influential in their lives.

Reading the letter we sent to their friends.
See how thick that book is?!

Mom and Dad spent several hours throughout the afternoon, evening, and next morning trying to read all of the notes! Their friends wrote perfect letters that included lists of good memories and "jewels" of truth learned. It was fun to know that they will laugh and cry as they read along.

Later Saturday evening, Dad took us all to Guiseppie's, a great, local Italian place. And, of course, the evening ended with all of us watching Madi play with her toys! We loved it!

Time to celebrate!

Today is a great day for celebrating because it's my parents' 40th anniversary AND it's Mother's Day!

Mom and Dad, thanks for being such an incredible example to me, especially. With each passing year, I value your love, trust, advice, wisdom, example, and spiritual strength even more. I love you!

And to Mom, specifically, I have to say thanks for being the most perfect mom in the world. I can't wait to be a mom who loves her children just like you!

And to Jo, I have to say thank you, because you are what I prayed for in a mother-in-law. You make me feel right at home in your life. I love coming to see you, telling you about things going on, and asking for your advice. You did a great job as a mom because your son treats me better than I even deserve.

And Happy Mother's Day to Kelley! It was so fun to see you "in action" as a mom several months ago. You do it so well, even when you aren't sure you are.

Hope everyone has a very special day!

Friday, May 11, 2007


I think this has been the most trying week of my entire teaching career, and I am SO glad that it is finally Friday! Apparently, I'm a glutton for punishment, since I agreed to go back Monday for a different teacher. I did so under the condition that I sub for a teacher who does not teach the terrible 6th grade class I've been dealing with!

Tomorrow morning we are heading up to celebrate my parents' anniversary and Mother's Day! Should be a fun little weekend!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

My gifts

Last week, I asked y'all to vote on what you think my spiritual gifts are. Last nite, at our Bible study, everyone "analyzed" me. Here are the results:

The poll:
1. Encouragement
2. Administration
3. Hospitality
4. Faith

The group:
1. Administration/Hospitality
2. Faith
3. Encouragement

The test:
1. Faith
2. Administration/Encouragement
3. Shepherding

I was surprised when the poll and everyone else kept naming hospitality as one of my gifts, since that one was only in the middle of the pack according to my test. And it's true--I DO like to cook and have people over and organize dinners!

So, now that you know where I'm gifted, you can make sure that I am actually using them for the Kingdom!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I've discovered Blinkies.
I went to a random website and this woman must have had at least 20 in her sidebar! Here are the ones that describe me:


and most importantly...

And lest you think that I am obsessed with foods, I have others...

And lastly, remember that

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Summer of 3

I will be calling the next few months "The Summer of 3".

I shall call it "summer" beginning now because it's darn hot here in Tejas (tay-haas) already.
I shall call it 3s because of movies such as Shrek the 3rd (which includes a set of triplets, I hear), Spiderman 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 3, Ocean's 13, and the Bourne Ultimatum (the 3rd in the series).

See my logic.'s our 3rd anniversary this summer!
Three was my favorite number in high school; I had that jersey.
Three is good.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Case of the Mondays

I've got a case of the Mondays (Office Space, anyone?). By 11am, I was almost positive it HAD to be Friday! I'm subbing at a school all week for a myriad of teachers, since the 8th grade and most of their teachers are in DC on a trip. I've decided that the downfall of schools and parents in general is coddling and lack of consistency in discipline. But, that's a whole other post!

I stayed up late catching up on the phone with Kelley, so I didn't have the energy to post about our fabulously UNbusy weekend! Saturday was a fun day, since we went for a run at the big park in town, and later that night went to Chili's and Marble Slab! Mmm! I LOVE icecream!

Once we got back home, we watched the Jet Li movie Fearless. It's the same as all Chinese movies: martial arts, a man who gets depressed and then overcomes, martial arts, subtitles, a renewed sense of doing good for the world, martial arts, and then he dies. I'll have to get my bro's personal opinion of my description since he lives there, but I think he might agree! It was a good movie, though.

We've got something planned for every weekend in the next six weeks, five of which we will be out of town! It's gonna go by fast!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Happy Birthday, Betsy!

It's Cinco de Mayo, but more importantly, it's Betsy B's birthday! Once we move up to DC, Betsy will be less than 4 miles away, so I bet we'll get to hang out a bit more! She's one of the most empathetic friends I have, and is always going above and beyond the call of friendship to serve. I hope that today, we can show you how much we love you, Bets!

Happy Birthday!

Friday, May 04, 2007

What's my gift?

Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.
I Corinthians 12:7

Recently, in our Bible study, we have been studying spiritual gifts and their uses. We've each gone through one of those spiritual gift inventories that helps us find what our gifts may be. Before we tell the rest of the group, though, each person goes through and gives 3 gifts that he/she sees clearly displayed and why. Once everyone has guessed, the person in the hotseat then reveals his/her highest scoring gifts. Brett and I are being analyzed next week, so I thought I'd see what y'all would guess if you had to. I've taken my lowest six out of the poll: apostleship, discernment, evangelism, knowledge, showing mercy (what a surprise!), prophecy.

What do you think are my top 3?

M's spiritual gifts
Free polls from

More on Spiritual Gifts:
-an article by Rick Warren
-a page full of definitions, uses, examples, and a short inventory

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Valentine's Day Surprise

Guess what I got today? A Valentine's Day card!

Somehow, the cards that Brett's folks sent us (complete w/Starbuck's giftcards!!!) had a difficult time finding their way down here to good ole Tejas. I can't believe that we actually got them, seeing as they had been missing for 2.5 months! Sure made for a great surprise!

Happy Valentine's Day to us!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Random Meme

I have been tagged by my best pal Kelley.

Here are the rules: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. You need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names.

Here are my random facts and habits:
1. I didn't wear sandals or flip flops of any kind until I was in college because I didn't like my feet.
2. When I was about 7, I was the lead in the church Christmas play. I got the chicken pox, but still performed. Two days later the pianist and this boy I didn't really like got them.
3. I'm anal about making the bed, except for the one time posted below. And also about closing drawers and cabinets. (Read Kel's blog)
4. I went through all of high school without a carbonated drink.
5. I married my husband because that meant I could remain an MDS. My dad is one, and so are all my brothers. (You know I'm kidding about marrying him ONLY because of that!)
6. Homemade TV commercials really irritate me, especially the car and furniture ones.
7. My sis-in-law, mom and I were shopping in Kohl's one time while Jeni was talking about her friend who was in an accident and had to have a halo drilled into her head. The room suddently got hot and cold and was spinning. Had I not sat to recover, I'm sure I would have passed out just thinking about it.

There you have it! The first 7 things that came to mind. I would tag 7 people like the instructions say, except that I don't have 7 friends who have a blog! Here are three people I tag: Courtney, Faris, Katie. I wish Elisabeth, Melissa, Lauren, and Annah had blogs, and they would be tagged!