Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A very American Indian day

Wednesday, 905pm
During the afternoon, Kelley and I made cookies. For dinner, we all ate Domino's pizza. This evening, we watched American Idol. Would you have guessed we are still in India?

Our Wednesday was very relaxing, without much activity compared to the other days. At lunchtime, we ate with a couple and their daughter. But other than that, we spent most of the day relaxing, playing with Kiran, and reminiscing. I'll let you know what tomorrow brings!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Loving Choke Hold

This picture is for my family, because they will totally understand it. Growing up, I always used to hug Marty really tight when taking pictures; but looking back at the photos, it just looks like I was trying to choke him. Now it's the big joke whenever the two of us have a pic together! I was just tryin' to love on him like a good big sister!!

Hey, I know you!

Tuesday, 830pm
Today has been an exceptionally busy day for us! Kelley, Kiran, and I spent about an hour walking in the park late this morning. The Delhi heat seems to have come in sooner than expected, so the temps are getting up into the high 70s, which seems pretty hot. J and K's apartment stays nice and cool, though, so it's always refreshing to walk in there.

The park

This evening we are just getting back from house fellowship with some other people from their company. It was fun to meet some of their friends. The taxi ride on the way back home was quite an experience. Any ride in Delhi is an experience, but this was an especially frustrating one! But we made it!

Connaught Place
The best part of the day was this afternoon, though. J, K, K, and I made our way to Connaught Place, a big circle in Delhi surrounded by restaurants and shops. As we were walking, we saw this guy and thought "Hey, I know you!" and there was standing my brother Marty! OK, it wasn't that coincidental, but here's the story: Marty lives in another country in Asia and is spending several weeks traveling with a friend. They happened to be here for several hours before they hopped on a plane. We were able to communicate and arrange a time to meet! It was SO fun to see him (I hadn't since July)!

We had lunch and walked around together. Then I gave him some birthday presents (I'm early!). It was so normal yet so surreal to be hanging out!

Monday, January 29, 2007

The market. Auto rickshaws. Indian food.

Monday, 8:50pm
For my first full day in India, those are some pretty good things to experience! I was thankfully able to sleep through the nite and wake up at a normal hour to get my body 11.5 hours ahead of Texas time. Kelley, Kiran, and I played and piddled throughout the morning until Jonathan got home. We all went out into the neighborhood for a bit, and later Kelley and I went shopping together in a nice market. The picture provided proves that despite all the years apart, we still think exactly alike, as we both picked out similar shirts at the store today! Tomorrow will be an especially fun day for me. Tune back for the details!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Here I am!

Monday, 115am
I've made it safe and sound! Kelley and I just sat up talking for a while, watching Kiran play. It's very surreal to be here, but I'm excited! I'll post pics as soon as I actually take any!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

India is Here! (for Merritt, at least)

So Merritt has left for India! Her plane made it to Chicago, and now she has a 5 hour layover. The 15 hour flight to India leaves tonight, and she should arrive Sunday morning around 10am CST. It will be about 9pm India-time. Hopefully she'll be able to stay awake some during the long flight because as soon as she gets there it will be bedtime.

That leaves me here to man the blog. I'll do my best for the next 24 hours in Merritt's absence. She'll pick up again when she gets to India and can post some pictures.

Merritt kindly left a "honey-do" list. It includes paying the rent, doing the taxes, taking out the trash, cleaning, and doing laundry. She's taken good care of me in terms of food though; otherwise, I would starve.

So what else should her lonely husband do in her absence?


I don't really know what that means, but I'm pretending it means "Goodbye!". In about 36 hours I can verify that presumption for y'all. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the beef! See y'all next time from the other side of the globe (except for Kelley, who I'll be seeing in person for the first time in a long time)!

Oh-and as you are praying for safety, please lift up my health. I have a terrible cold and am praying the meds and sleep will ward it off by tomorrow when I hop on the planes.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

My packing list

I know you, my dear readers, have been clamoring for a post since Tuesday, especially considering the fact that my post on Tuesday was not very interesting or creative. The thing is, I have a million things running through my head this week (seriously; ask the hubby-I can't shut up at nite so he can go to bed!), but when I sit down to write, nothing fun, amusing, or even coherent seems to come to mind. So, instead, I'll tell you what I have packed so far for my trip in less than 48 hours:

-5 books (ugh--I forgot to get a puzzle book today!!!!!)
-2 pairs of shoes
-socks and undies

I think something is wrong with my list! I can't seem to get packing!! Maybe after watching The Office tonite my mind will get into gear.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


That's what I got. I've been sitting here trying to come up with some witty and entertaining post, but I can't. Sorry. So, I'll instead go through the mundane details of the day: I ran errands and did some laundry. I've decided that I love the lady that works at my pharmacy. She is so nice and immediately knows who I am without having to ask! Since I was picking up malaria pills, she wondered if we were traveling and asked me to bring some pictures by. She makes me feel like I'm living in Mayberry rather than a city of 4 million. I digress, though: Brett worked and then came home, which was fun, since he had been out of town. We turned on the State of the Union address, but really did other things instead of listening. And that's all. Below is the weather radar from a few minutes ago. It's been raining FOR-EV-ER!

Counting down

Have y'all noticed the countdown is really counting down?!?! I need to pack!!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Happy Birthday, Jeni!

It's Jeni's birthday today!!!!!!

I love the fact that Jeni is married to my brother, yet people see us together and wonder if we are related because we have glasses and curly hair. And I love that she is organized and detailed and thinks just like me, making us have so many traits like sisters would have and making me so different from Mike, who is the king of being casual and going with the flow. And I also love that she has been in my life for so long that I can hardly remember a time without her being there. She's definitely much more than just an in-law; she's my sister!

Have a great day, sis!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Game Night

We are relaxing after an intense night of Apples to Apples. If you haven't ever played, then you are missing out; it's such a great game! Several of our friends from church came over to hang out, eat dessert, and play! It was good fun! I love games nights. We used to have them almost weekly in WS, so it was great to be able to have one (we had been waiting on friends, since Apples to Apples isn't exactly a two-person game!)!

Tomorrow is another busy day, and then we enter the week in which I leave!! Ahh! So much to do! Keep sending us your travel advice!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Travel advice

In just about one week, I'll be heading out for an adventure. In two weeks, Brett will head out. Although we have both traveled through several different countries, we want to know if you folks out there have any travel advice to offer us as we prepare to go! Feel free to list it all, as I'm sure I am forgetting even little things as I prepare for the journey! You can also list things I should do to make life easier for Brett at home while I'm gone! Thanks for the help!

Oh--and note to self: buy a crossword and logic puzzle book to keep busy!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Snow days

I haven't been talking much this week since it's seemed busy. Really, it can't have been too busy, considering all schools were out on Monday for MLK day and some took Tuesday and all took Wednesday off for weather. Because of this, I haven't been subbing much, but have been up at the church doing some work. I've also read a smidge, piddled a bit, and watched a cute movie called Akeelah and the Bee. We have thoroughly enjoyed having to bundle up and walk outside into the rain, since that feels more like the winter we know. Plus, I have a cool scarf from India (Kelley) and one from Italy (Lia) that I like to wear around!

What birds do

Bird one: Hey, you wanna come have some fun?
Bird two: Sure. What do you have in mind?
Bird one: My friends and I get together every evening around five.
Bird two: Oh really? Sounds cool. Who gets together?
Bird one: Myself, Fred, Carla, and about 1000 others; I don't exactly know everyone.
Bird two: WOW! Big party! Where do y'all hang out?
Bird one: Oh, it's PERFECT. We've got this spot on Kirby. Depending on what cool-factor you have, you'll hang out at one of two intersections. It's absolutely amazing. We hang out on the power lines and completely surround the intersections. It's fabulous because as the evening commute begins,we like to play fun games like "Plop the Poop on the Windshield" and such. You can hardly miss there are so many cars! And the people go nuts because we are so loud and obnoxious. It's hilarious!
Bird two: Man, you are so cool. Thanks for inviting me. See you on the powerline.
Bird one: Be sure to get there early; there's hardly any room come 5:05pm.

Monday, January 15, 2007

5 years

Well, folks, Brett and I have been dating for five years as of today! I realize that we have been married for half of that time, but just because we are married, we don't have to stop dating, which is fun! Below is a picture of our first official date (look how, um...different...we look!). He brought me a flower, took me to Macaroni Grill, and then to Coffee Underground, a cool coffee/tea/dessert place downtown in Greenville. He was talkative and interested in me. And he opened my car door, something he still does today. I was smitten! =)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Hidden talent

Ladies and Gents,
Our marriage reached a new level of intimacy today: I became Brett's barber. That's right. We bought some clippers and I successfully gave him a beautiful haircut, tapered and all. I even got paid! So now Merritt's Year of Fun includes jobs as teacher, book-keeper, and hair stylist! Who knew that with so much time I could find so many hidden talents?!?!

We just got back from our friends' place where we played our favorite new card game: Nerts. It was great, although Brett and I aren't a very good team! Maybe it's because we are rookies. Clearly, card-playing is not our greatest gift. At any rate, we like having friends. And Erin always makes great cookies when we go, which is an added incentive.

The weatherman swears that we are going to have really cold weather and even some sleet and ice over the next few days. We're excited for winter, even if it does only last until the end of the week!

Oh--and I have to mention this: today was the Houston Chevron Marathon. Big deal here. Today, our pastor did the half marathon and then came to church to preach at 10am! Pretty impressive!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Happy Birthday, Grandma Bee!

We hope that you have a great day! Wish we could be there to make sure you know how special you are! Love you!

Friday, January 12, 2007


I'm blogging right now because my husband is currently watching an animal show. And from a previous post, you have learned that I hate watching these type of shows. I don't really want to see the lioness try to bite off the spinal chord of a buffalo. So, I must find a distraction. Blogging is perfect.

There's really not much news to report. I got home today and realized I had been driving around town without my license. Oops. Good thing I don't run traffic lights like 90% of other Houstonians. Hubby worked late, as some last minute thing came to the office that has to be finished by tomorrow. Once he got home, we went out to Chili's, compliments of Jan and Mike's Christmas giving! Please sing along..."Chili's Baby-Back Ribs; Chili's Baby-Back Ribs (Bar-B-Q Sauce)..." (we didn't really have ribs; I just like to sing the song....).

Happy Weekending! And congrats to those who delurked! Doesn't it feel good?! =)
Oh--and Hubby wants me to mention that I threw a clementine at him. I was just playing, but I clearly underestimated my incredible strength (must be the working out!) as it hit a bit harder than I had anticipated. Oops for a second time tonite.

Cuteness defined

How CUTE is she????

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Icecream, Gyms, and Comments

Ahhhh....I love icecream. I've gotten better about not eating it every nite before I go to bed, but, really, I should be allowed that pleasure. Once I leave TX in August, the only time I'll have it before bedtime is when I come to visit my parents, and I'll stock up on my Blue Bell fix then. NoVa is missing out in not having Blue Bell. I can also justify eating icecream at nite because Brett and I have been superstars about going to the gym. The last two days I have felt as though someone beat my arms with a bat; I'm sore, very sore. I need to get into shape before I have to sit on a plane for so long and my muscles think they don't ever have to work. It's a 15 hour flight just from Chicago. That's after my 3 hour flight there and a 5 hour layover. I really love Kelley and Jonathan a lot. I will chant the previous sentence when I get stuck next to the guy who hasn't showered in a week. =)

No other big news. We have no plans for the weekend other than cleaning and finally getting the Christmas decorations down. We don't have tons of those, so it doesn't really phase us that they are still up.

Don't forget, Ladies and Gents, that tomorrow, Friday, the 12th, is officially the last day of Delurking Week. It's your day to make your presence known! I know you are out there. Thanks to all those who gave me a message (technically, I should say us, as this is a blog by my hubby and me; however, if you haven't noticed, I'm clearly the reigning author); I feel loved and appreciated. Really. As encouragement for those who have not yet delurked, I have the following note for you:

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Delurking Week

In the blog world, January 8-12, 2007, is considered Delurking Week. Those of us who consistently read blogs without commenting are considered "lurkers". This is our week to change that! Bloggers around the world want to see who comes by and appreciate a comment every now and then. So, in honor of "Delurking Week" leave a comment sometime this week to each blog that you visit! Lurking isn't terrible, but post a comment once in a while; as a blogger, I know it's fun to get those, so I'm resolved to be better about it myself!
Happy commenting!

Monday, January 08, 2007

To pluto

Definition: to demote or devalue someone or something
Example: We had a planet that was plutoed this year and, therefore, taken out of all models and science books as a planet.

"Plutoed" has been named the word of the year! Read about it.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Shredding our Saturday away

This Saturday has been one full of marking things off the to-do list! It's great! We've been out to run errands. Twice. I've also had time to read my book: Under the Banner of Heaven. Super interesting. Maybe I'll post about that later. The really fun part of our day, though, has been the purchase of a shredder. We cleaned out our filing cabinets weeks ago and put all kinds of sensitive material in a big bag in our closet. So today, we got to sit and watch it shred tons of stuff! It was so fun! We were sorta hoping we'd get some junk in the mail that we could shred, but none came today. Guess there's always next week....=)

Tonight we are going over to our friends' house for dessert and a new card game. Fun times!

It's Friday night

It's hard to believe that earlier this week, we were spending time with my family, as that seems like ages ago! Both of us were glad to have an evening full of nothing. I've been subbing as a Spanish teacher at an all-girls school for the last few days, so I am tired! We enjoyed a fine meal of sloppy joes, watched a documentary on Enron, and then played The Amazing Race DVD board game Charlie and Jo gave us for Christmas. Brett won. Bummer. However, it was a great evening! Tomorrow we have lots on our list. I wonder how much we'll actually get done....

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


That's how I feel life has been since the holidays officially ended! I've been extremely productive the last two days, especially considering the fact that I'm still really in "let's be on vacation" mode!

After working out, getting ready for the day, making some phone calls, and running errands, I got to enjoy a nice lunch at Ruggles. I met a friend Ginger and her daughter Katy, who is home from A&M for Christmas break. It was one of those lunches in which we talked for a while, and then, all of a sudden, it's been 2 hours! I used to babysit Katy, so it's really fun to hear her talk about her college experiences now. I went to work for the rest of the afternoon and have been marking things off my to-do list even since being home!

Brett has an auction on Ebay that is about to end. I would have told y'all earlier, but I don't think any of you is in the market for a set of VA Barbri books. I'm thrilled about this sale for two reasons: 1) it's extra moo-lah; 2) that's about 10 books that won't clutter my home for eternity. Way to go, Brett!

Happy Birthday, Sarah!

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!
Sarah and I became fast friends freshman year when we lived next door to one another. I remember going in her room when I first arrived to see how she and Katie were arranging and decorating. A large Texas flag caught my eye; Sarah is a Texan--how could we NOT be friends?!?!

I hope you've had a great day, Sarah!!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Christmas is over, and it's depressing! But Happy New Year! My family has an innate ability to drag out major events such as birthdays and Christmases, so it was fun to continue that trait this weekend as Brett and I traveled up to the Big D area to enjoy time with the family.Matt, Erin, and Kadin were there on Saturday, which was really fun! We all enjoyed another round of Christmas as the two of us exchanged with my parents. Kadin helped by passing out the gifts, but apparently he thought I deserved every present, as he brought them all to me, no matter who he was told to give them to! Our New Year's Eve was quiet. We attended church and then hung out with Mike and Jeni when they brought Madi over to spend the night with us; they had to stay up all night with 150 teens! At midnight, Mom, Dad, B, and I watched the rerun of the ball drop from Times Square and then immediately went to bed! Party animals, I know.

Guess whose necklace that is? Remember, I told you she liked my jewelry!

The rest of this week will be busy with work and fun! Wake plays in the Orange Bowl tomorrow, so check your local listings!!