Tuesday, July 17, 2007

To our wedding guests

This post is for those of you who were at our wedding. Do y'all have any pictures of Brett and I together that are on your computer and can be emailed? I have a number of pics of me and the bridesmaids before the wedding, but really don't have any good pictures of Brett and I TOGETHER! And I'd like some. I have a ginormous stack of pics in a box, but we don't have a scanner anyway, so I can't do that. If you have any, please feel free to email them to me! Gracias! Here's one of the few I have: Brett looking at his watch, wondering when the honeymoon starts...I mean, when we get to see all our friends and family and thank them for coming!


Kelley C said...

seriously...i think the first pic i have from my digital camera is from jeremy and liz's wedding...one week later. bummer.

merritt said...

Sad. Come on, someone has to have pictures!

EMU said...

Hey Kel, have I seen your pics from our wedding? :)