Monday, July 23, 2007

Oh, how I missed thee, Internet (sort of)

For the last few days, I've been very MIA because I've been visiting Kelley. Last time I visited Kelley (in India), I posted all kinds of stuff, but this time, ironically, she doesn't have any internet in the house where they are living temporarily. It's been kinda nice to be away, but I have to admit that when I walked up the stairs in the airport and saw the "Free hi speed wireless available" sign, I got pretty excited! Such a great way to waste time and catch up on the 37 new blog entries I had to read!

I'm about to hop on my plane, and get home to my fabulous husband! I can't wait! Be looking for lots of fun posts over the next few days! So much has happened and will happen in the upcoming week!


kflythe said...

One day until you're homeowners! Congrats in advance... And happy aniversary, too!

Anonymous said...

Just one more perk in Greenville - free wireless. Do the wonders of this fabulous city ever end???

merritt said...

I love Greenville. They have the best downtown area EVER. Seriously.

Kelley C said...

Actually, Brett sent Mert to me for a week of internet detox. He was concerned she was becoming addicted. Obviously, we weren't very successful since she has returned to her former habits.