Tuesday, January 23, 2007


That's what I got. I've been sitting here trying to come up with some witty and entertaining post, but I can't. Sorry. So, I'll instead go through the mundane details of the day: I ran errands and did some laundry. I've decided that I love the lady that works at my pharmacy. She is so nice and immediately knows who I am without having to ask! Since I was picking up malaria pills, she wondered if we were traveling and asked me to bring some pictures by. She makes me feel like I'm living in Mayberry rather than a city of 4 million. I digress, though: Brett worked and then came home, which was fun, since he had been out of town. We turned on the State of the Union address, but really did other things instead of listening. And that's all. Below is the weather radar from a few minutes ago. It's been raining FOR-EV-ER!


Anonymous said...

In your boredom since Tuesday, did you change the colors of your blog or am I just now noticing how bright it is??

One day til I leave for Wisconsin!!
Somehow that doesn't compare to your countdown for India :)

merritt said...


You are so observant! I DID indeed change the colors. I like to play around with them.

Oh my golly--goin' to Wisconsin, are ya? =)