Thursday, January 25, 2007

My packing list

I know you, my dear readers, have been clamoring for a post since Tuesday, especially considering the fact that my post on Tuesday was not very interesting or creative. The thing is, I have a million things running through my head this week (seriously; ask the hubby-I can't shut up at nite so he can go to bed!), but when I sit down to write, nothing fun, amusing, or even coherent seems to come to mind. So, instead, I'll tell you what I have packed so far for my trip in less than 48 hours:

-5 books (ugh--I forgot to get a puzzle book today!!!!!)
-2 pairs of shoes
-socks and undies

I think something is wrong with my list! I can't seem to get packing!! Maybe after watching The Office tonite my mind will get into gear.


Kelley C said...

HOLY COW Its almost time for you to come to INDIA!!!!!!!!! We can't wait!

You are sure you are ok just grabbing a taxi at the airport and coming to our house? I really don't want to mess up Kiran's sleep...

merritt said...

No problem. I won't even take the address. I'm sure he'll know who I mean when I say "Take me to Jonathan and Kelley's place"! =)

Kelley C said...

OH I really do need to send you info for the immigration form *going to find info right now*