Monday, January 15, 2007

5 years

Well, folks, Brett and I have been dating for five years as of today! I realize that we have been married for half of that time, but just because we are married, we don't have to stop dating, which is fun! Below is a picture of our first official date (look how, um...different...we look!). He brought me a flower, took me to Macaroni Grill, and then to Coffee Underground, a cool coffee/tea/dessert place downtown in Greenville. He was talkative and interested in me. And he opened my car door, something he still does today. I was smitten! =)


kflythe said...

Cute picture. Kelley, want to put your two cents in on the Shumates' first date?...

Kelley C said...

I actually don't remember much about their first date....I do remember them looking at pictures from their respective study abroad trips. I probably took that picture.
What I do remember clearly is when I came back from Europe engaged. It freaked Brett out and he dumped Merritt. But he came to his senses.