Saturday, January 06, 2007

Shredding our Saturday away

This Saturday has been one full of marking things off the to-do list! It's great! We've been out to run errands. Twice. I've also had time to read my book: Under the Banner of Heaven. Super interesting. Maybe I'll post about that later. The really fun part of our day, though, has been the purchase of a shredder. We cleaned out our filing cabinets weeks ago and put all kinds of sensitive material in a big bag in our closet. So today, we got to sit and watch it shred tons of stuff! It was so fun! We were sorta hoping we'd get some junk in the mail that we could shred, but none came today. Guess there's always next week....=)

Tonight we are going over to our friends' house for dessert and a new card game. Fun times!


Anonymous said...

This my dear is a sign of a strong marriage: one that can enjoy an evening together while shredding paper.
It's a little change of pace from watching movies I guess one could say.

merritt said...

It's either a sign of a strong marriage or a sign that we are just really boring people. I'll take the strong marriage vote!! =) Thanks!