Friday, January 12, 2007


I'm blogging right now because my husband is currently watching an animal show. And from a previous post, you have learned that I hate watching these type of shows. I don't really want to see the lioness try to bite off the spinal chord of a buffalo. So, I must find a distraction. Blogging is perfect.

There's really not much news to report. I got home today and realized I had been driving around town without my license. Oops. Good thing I don't run traffic lights like 90% of other Houstonians. Hubby worked late, as some last minute thing came to the office that has to be finished by tomorrow. Once he got home, we went out to Chili's, compliments of Jan and Mike's Christmas giving! Please sing along..."Chili's Baby-Back Ribs; Chili's Baby-Back Ribs (Bar-B-Q Sauce)..." (we didn't really have ribs; I just like to sing the song....).

Happy Weekending! And congrats to those who delurked! Doesn't it feel good?! =)
Oh--and Hubby wants me to mention that I threw a clementine at him. I was just playing, but I clearly underestimated my incredible strength (must be the working out!) as it hit a bit harder than I had anticipated. Oops for a second time tonite.


kflythe said...

"Orange" you going to apologize for throwing the clementine? Being hit with an orange doesn't sound very ap"peel"ing to me.

merritt said...

It's a KTism!! Haven't heard one of those in a long time! Thanks for making me laugh!

And yes, I apologized. I felt bad immediately after I threw it...