Sunday, January 14, 2007

Hidden talent

Ladies and Gents,
Our marriage reached a new level of intimacy today: I became Brett's barber. That's right. We bought some clippers and I successfully gave him a beautiful haircut, tapered and all. I even got paid! So now Merritt's Year of Fun includes jobs as teacher, book-keeper, and hair stylist! Who knew that with so much time I could find so many hidden talents?!?!

We just got back from our friends' place where we played our favorite new card game: Nerts. It was great, although Brett and I aren't a very good team! Maybe it's because we are rookies. Clearly, card-playing is not our greatest gift. At any rate, we like having friends. And Erin always makes great cookies when we go, which is an added incentive.

The weatherman swears that we are going to have really cold weather and even some sleet and ice over the next few days. We're excited for winter, even if it does only last until the end of the week!

Oh--and I have to mention this: today was the Houston Chevron Marathon. Big deal here. Today, our pastor did the half marathon and then came to church to preach at 10am! Pretty impressive!

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