Saturday, January 20, 2007

Game Night

We are relaxing after an intense night of Apples to Apples. If you haven't ever played, then you are missing out; it's such a great game! Several of our friends from church came over to hang out, eat dessert, and play! It was good fun! I love games nights. We used to have them almost weekly in WS, so it was great to be able to have one (we had been waiting on friends, since Apples to Apples isn't exactly a two-person game!)!

Tomorrow is another busy day, and then we enter the week in which I leave!! Ahh! So much to do! Keep sending us your travel advice!


Kelley C said...

Did you win??

Jack Nicholson, leeches, and weekends

merritt said...

No, I didn't win. Erin snuck up and beat everyone the last round. The first round Brett won.

Robin Williams, going to church, and socks

Jessica said...

I loooove this game!! I had to go out and buy it after I played it the first time I liked it so much. Did we ever play it with you two?

merritt said...

It's quite possible you played with us. We try to sucker all our friends and family into playing it! =)