Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Delurking Week

In the blog world, January 8-12, 2007, is considered Delurking Week. Those of us who consistently read blogs without commenting are considered "lurkers". This is our week to change that! Bloggers around the world want to see who comes by and appreciate a comment every now and then. So, in honor of "Delurking Week" leave a comment sometime this week to each blog that you visit! Lurking isn't terrible, but post a comment once in a while; as a blogger, I know it's fun to get those, so I'm resolved to be better about it myself!
Happy commenting!


Ericka said...

HI!! I sounds like you are doing well. It's so nice to be able to see what you guys are up to. Love to you both, Ericka

Anonymous said...

Dear Merritt -

I consistently enjoy your blog while lurking across the pond. Keep up the good work. Now, frauline, I must get back to the tournament. My next opponent is the Black Price. Auf Wiedersehen!

merritt said...

Thanks for the comments! I like delurking week! Ulrich-haven't heard from you in a while. Good to know you are still out there. =)

kflythe said...

I guess there are lots of folks out there like me. I'll try to do better, Merritt. I learn so much on your blog that I should definitely give you credit. Thanks!

merritt said...

Katie, you should probably give credit to KFC since I steal lots of it from her! Isn't that what blogs are all about: stealing from someone else's great idea??!!

And, Katie, I promise to comment something other than "We want an update" or something similar unless it's been an excruciatingly long time; however, I do reserve the right to determine what that period of time is!! =)

Kelley C said...

LP_ see that is why you should start a blog! You make me laugh :)

Anonymous said...

Am I considered a lurker? I think I've posted before, but I usually just feed Kelley with witty responses. ;-)

merritt said...

LP-Puh-lease start a blog! That would make me super happy! Today while at the grocery store, I perused all the flowers and almost bought some for myself! I never pay attention to flowers there; I must have known you were passing A Flower A Day!

Jonathan, I'm not quite sure how to define lurker. I mean, it doesn't seem fair that if you've only commented once ever but read a blog everyday you can excuse yourself from being a lurker. My definition will be that if you haven't commented in a month, you are definitely a lurker. But, clearly, you're the best husband in the world since you let K take credit for all the funnies that you give her to post! That's awfully nice of you. I'll bring you an American present because of that. What would you like?

Courtney said...

Hi Merritt!

Sorry I'm late commenting, but it's better late than never, right?

I do love your blog, but don't get to read that often. I try to catch up when I do though.

By the way, here's the definition of lurker although I don't think it defines what "rarely" commenting means.


merritt said...

Great to hear from you, Courtney! Thanks for the definition of what lurker means. Wikipedia has EVERYTHING!