Friday, March 02, 2007

Gracias from the Birthday Girl

Before I talk about my birthday, I'd like to ask everyone to be praying for my chest. I know, that sounds weird. But, apparently I have pill esophagitis, which basically means that I have inflammation all throughout my chest as a result of a pill getting stuck along the lining of my esophagus. It's incredibly uncomfortable and painful even when breathing, but especially while eating and drinking. I'm taking meds for it, but am really needing a quick resolution, as I've been in pain since Monday and am quite tired of it!

But I certainly wouldn't let inflammation get in the way of a great birthday!! Thanks to everyone who made my day incredibly special! I had lots of calls and emails and comments, which made me feel like I am loved!

Brett and I went out for a lovely dinner at a local Italian place. It was delicious, and before we realized it, we'd been there for almost 2 hours (maybe because it takes me about 5 mins to eat one tortellini?)! It was perfect, though! I topped off the evening with raspberry sorbet; I love icecreams!

And I even got a few presents (besides my trip to FL!) and some flowers! In addition to the gifts I am modeling in my picture and some yummy cookies and a cool vacation journal, I got some money and a gift card that I am very excited to use! My favorite gift, however, is from Brett: at the end of March we are going to see Wicked! It's the traveling Broadway group who will be here, and we are going opening weekend! Now we truly are celebrating my birthday all month!

Thanks again for helping make it a special day!


Courtney said...

Happy belated birthday! I'm glad you had a good one! :)

merritt said...

Courtney--isn't your birthday around this time? Maybe it was today? Or the 5th? I'll go check out your blog...maybe you said something there!