Sunday, March 11, 2007

Boot Scoot

My favorite part of the whole weekend (besides the fact that it's now lighter later!) deals with a bunch of Brett-sized boots! That's right. They are 6 feet tall, and there are lots of them. These 85 boots have been made into works of art and dispersed throughout the city in order to promote the Houston Livestock and Rodeo! Each boot has a different theme that ranges from Texas A&M to a map of Houston. I think they are really cool, so Brett and I headed downtown in order to take pictures of two sets we knew were nearby. It's been a perfect 78 degrees with wind, which made for a very spring-like afternoon for us! Check back later this week for our real adventures with RodeoHouston; it's gonna be fun!
I *heart* Texas!


Alicia said...

This is exactly why I LOVE texas!! I love your shirt...where'd you get it. Thanks for representin'!!

merritt said...

Isn't Texas awesome, Alicia!? I think even Brett is getting pretty convinced of that fact, and he's only been a Texan for 8 months!

My friend Mel sent the shirt to me for my birthday! I was SUPER excited!

Alicia said...

yep...texas gets into your blood. It effects you! Even K the other day said she wanted to move to Texas... :) I mean there is proof right there!

merritt said...

I'd be jealous if she moved to Texas in Aug when I move to Virginia! Are you gonna come back to the Lone Star State, Alicia?

merritt said...

I know! Isn't it cool? This awesome friend sent it for my birthday. She knows me so well!