Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Happy Engagement!

Lia is getting married!!

Another engagment! Right now we have 4 wedding invitations between April and July on our frig. And now 2 in December! We haven't had this many weddings at a time, well...ever!

She was nice enough to schedule her wedding only 2 hours distance and 2 days apart from Jill's wedding! Wasn't that kind of her to work around my hectic Christmas break? I'm thrilled for her and can't wait to be there!

Congratulations, Lia and Randolph!


Kelley C said...

Yea for weddings! They make me happy. And it makes me happy to know I'll get to see you!

merritt said...

I KNOW! So fun!

What's really fun is that you'll probably see me at least one or two times before that, too!