Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Summer of 3

I will be calling the next few months "The Summer of 3".

I shall call it "summer" beginning now because it's darn hot here in Tejas (tay-haas) already.
I shall call it 3s because of movies such as Shrek the 3rd (which includes a set of triplets, I hear), Spiderman 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 3, Ocean's 13, and the Bourne Ultimatum (the 3rd in the series).

See my logic.

Also...it's our 3rd anniversary this summer!
Three was my favorite number in high school; I had that jersey.
Three is good.


Anonymous said...

Wow you guys have been married 3 years already? Really? It seems like just yesterday that Brett was dumping you to get out of going to Jr/Sr.

Anonymous said...

oh and i thought for sure you were going to tell us that your family was expanding to be THREE people instead of two. Darn it.

-kfc again

merritt said...

haha! I laughed out loud at that first one!

And no...no expanding of the family, although that would have coincided perfectly. I'll have to come up with something really creative for that one.