Monday, May 07, 2007

Case of the Mondays

I've got a case of the Mondays (Office Space, anyone?). By 11am, I was almost positive it HAD to be Friday! I'm subbing at a school all week for a myriad of teachers, since the 8th grade and most of their teachers are in DC on a trip. I've decided that the downfall of schools and parents in general is coddling and lack of consistency in discipline. But, that's a whole other post!

I stayed up late catching up on the phone with Kelley, so I didn't have the energy to post about our fabulously UNbusy weekend! Saturday was a fun day, since we went for a run at the big park in town, and later that night went to Chili's and Marble Slab! Mmm! I LOVE icecream!

Once we got back home, we watched the Jet Li movie Fearless. It's the same as all Chinese movies: martial arts, a man who gets depressed and then overcomes, martial arts, subtitles, a renewed sense of doing good for the world, martial arts, and then he dies. I'll have to get my bro's personal opinion of my description since he lives there, but I think he might agree! It was a good movie, though.

We've got something planned for every weekend in the next six weeks, five of which we will be out of town! It's gonna go by fast!


Anonymous said...

Can you have the Mondays on Tuesday? or Wednesday?

merritt said...

Yes, that's another possibility. Although, thanksfully, my Tuesday did turn out to be better than Monday.