Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Richie's Bachelor Party

I just got back from an awesome weekend on the Chesapeake Bay for Richie's bachelor party. We played football and whiffle ball, threw the baseball, went tubing on the water, and ate lots of great food. Here's a group shot:

Here's Richie giving me firearm instructions:

Here's me, Richie, and Kyle about to go tubing:

Us eating crabs:

Andrew, Richie, Kyle, and Josh just chillin':

Richie trespassing on private property - an abandoned house built on the water:

Vienna guys: Andrew, Morgan, Aaron, Matt, Richie:

Cruising on the Bay:

The Furman guys: Brett, Kyle, Richie, Josh:

An awesome weekend!

Good luck to Richie! More from the wedding to come....


Jonathan said...

Brett, sounds like a lot of fun! Who knew guys could actually take pictures like that?

Jonathan said...

Ok, looks like fun, not sounds...

Brett said...

Thanks Jonathan! It was a blast. Richie's bro Peter took most of the pics.