Friday, May 18, 2007

Guzzling the Gallons

Yesterday when I stopped for gas, I was excited to see that "my" station had $2.87 listed. When I got to the pump, though, I had to pay $2.94! I thought I had been totally ripped off; false advertising or something like that. But then today, about 2 blocks beyond my station, gas is $2.99; beyond that was $3.09; and I even saw one for $3.17! So, apparently, I got the deal of the week.

I hate paying so much for gas. When I was 16 (which wasn't all that long ago), gas was only $0.89 (ahhh...the good ole days!). Whenever I see the prices keep creeping up, though, I just have to remind myself that I should thank the Lord that I actually have to pay for gas, since that means I have my own vehicle. And, I don't have to get a gallon at a time. The Lord's blessed us enough that I can pay $3 a gallon; I just don't want to do it!


Anonymous said...

It's $3.13 here! We truly are blessed (because that's just ridiculous)!

merritt said...

I actually paid $2.95 today outside of Austin! It was great! I have yet to actually pay over $3 but I know it's coming.