Monday, May 21, 2007


Remember how we've talked about the fact that I do weird things when my hubby is gone? It happened again. As I type this, I'm sitting here in one of TWO dresses that I just bought!! It's a good thing he's coming home tomorrow; otherwise, you never know what else I might go buy!

To be fair, the dresses were 50% off; then if I bought one sale item, I got the other at 50% it's price. So, basically, it was a steal, right? Plus, I had birthday money left over to buy one dress, but he told me to get both. He says he'll come home and pick which one to keep. It's highly likely I'll end up with both once he finds out what a great deal I got. And we have another wedding and rehearsal coming up, so I'll use them. And once he sees them on, he's gonna think I look so fabulous, he won't want me to return either! He's great like that.

Since no one is here to stop me, I'm going to prance around all evening in my dresses and heels. Yes, prance.


Kelley C said...

Where did you find these dresses? And do we get pictures? Do we get a vote on which one you should keep (both)?

merritt said...

Ann Taylor Loft. I have great luck there.

If B really insists that I only keep one, then maybe I'll let y'all cast your ballot. =)

Brett said...

I think Merritt should post pictures of herself in both dresses. And a poll. Only then will I let her keep both! Hehe.