Sunday, December 31, 2006

A year in review

Here are things that happened over the last year.

Brett flies to Florida for Coogie's (FU roomie) wedding.
Merritt starts back to school.
Brett starts his last semester of school ever!
We celebrate Valentine's? Our Feb is pretty lame, from what I recall!
MERRITT's BIRTHDAY!!!!! We party like maniacs by going to dinner.
Brett has his last spring break ever.
Merritt goes to Costa Rica with her school.
We go to Greenville to see our best friends who are visiting from Asia!
Brett studies like crazy at the end of the month, especially, in preparation for his exams.
BRETT GRADUATES LAW SCHOOL!!!! He's #5 in his whole class! All the parents and Grandma Bee come to celebrate with us!
Brett flies to TX to pick out an apartment.
He goes up to VA and begins classes for the Bar.
Brett flies to Miami for a fun wkend with the guys.
Merritt misses the last few days of work after contracting the flu.
She goes back to finish her school duties, packs up some of the apartment, and decides she's lonely in NC without Brett; she moves up to VA and becomes a distraction...I mean, stress-reliever.
BRETT's BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! He finally is as old as his wife!
We study and study and study and study (yes, we--when he studies I have to be quiet!).
Merritt goes to NM with her family.
Marty comes up to DC and visits for a few days before going back overseas.
Brett surprises Merritt with a great anniversary getaway.
Brett takes the Bar.
We pack our apartment in NC and begin driving to TX.
(please note the above four activities happen within 6 days!)
We go to Galveston in lieu of our fabulous post-bar vacation (sad, I know).
Our furniture arrives; Brett slices open his head and visits the Houston ghetto ER.
Brett begins his job!
Merritt begins blogging more because she doesn't have one!
We attend an Astros game.
And find a great church.
Merritt surprises her Mom on her birthday (didn't you hear the scream?).
Our Bible study starts, giving us great challenge and friends!
Merritt's folks come visit and she goes home with them (why? see below).
Brett goes to New Oreans for several days and likes it.
Brett's parents come visit.
Brett's pal Richie gets engaged!
Merritt starts to sub regularly.
We visit the Alamo.
We buy tickets to India.
It rains a lot and the heat doesn't leave.
We visit VA for a swearing-in ceremony.
We go to DFW and attend the Texas State Fair.
Merritt is asked to start working at the church.
We go bike riding with my parents.
Brett proves he can hold down a job longer than 3 months!
We buy our first Christmas tree (yes, we know this is our 3rd married Christmas).
We spend Thanksgiving with my folks.
We get shots for India.
We go on a fun date.
WFU wins the ACC championship.
It gets hotter.
This is our first ever non-school-break Christmas! =(
Christmas with Brett's folks in VA!
New Years/Christmas with Merritt's folks in TX!
We survive the year!

So, there you have it: a summary of 2006! We did a lot! We look forward to 2007 and all the wonderful things that will happen and all the things that God will show us!


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