Monday, December 11, 2006

Dear Santa...

Although I must have at some point, I don't recall ever believing in Santa Claus. Tons of kids do, though. I read an article this week about North Pole, Alaska, where thousands of letters arrive each year from little ones who are making requests of Santa. What I enjoyed hearing was that the US Postal System will get them there with as little as "Santa" printed on the envelope! And without a stamp! The elves up in the North Pole send postcards to everyone who includes a return address. I really want to write a letter and get a postcard....
What would you ask for from Santa?

Letters to Santa Flood Alaskan Town

Location of North Pole, Alaska

1 comment:

merritt said...

I'm going to answer my own question: I would like a private plane at my disposal. Then I could easily fly somewhere for the weekend or fly my friends and family to visit me! Wouldn't that be cool!?!