Monday, December 18, 2006

Pray for Kerith

Be in prayer for our friends Richard and Jessica. Their 16 week old daughter Kerith is having surgery on Tuesday for a cancerous mass that was found in her adrenal gland. We've never met Kerith, but that little one was helping her mom scrub our apartment clean just weeks before she was born while her dad loaded our moving truck. They are incredible people, so lift up them, the surgeons, and Kerith.

UPDATE 12/20:
Kerith is doing great! The surgeon had to remove one of her adrenal glands, but he was indeed able to get all of her tumor! She will recover in the hospital for about 3-5 days, and they will await pathology reports. Continue to pray for good news from that report and for a quick and comfortable recovery!


Kelley C said...

She is beautiful. And I can't imagine.

And I just wanted to let you know I'm glad you have a category named Announcements.

merritt said...

I figured that you could relate. I think she was born about 10 days before Kiran.

Yay for announcements! See, I steal everything from you....

Kelley C said...

But Merritt my announcements category was originally berthed by you- and all the announcements you used to tell my family...and how that gave my dad a chuckle

merritt said...

True, true. I always think of your family whenever I hear the word "announcement"! Sitting around the table at your old house specifically comes to mind!!