Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas Eve Eve

It's been a full day! Most of our afternoon was spent with Richie and Liz, eating lunch, sipping Starbucks, and catching up. The next time we see them, most likely, we'll be getting together for their wedding!! It's gonna be great!

We arrived home with about 5 minutes to spare before the fam came over. Brett's aunt and uncle and cousins came to celebrate Christmas, as well as his Aunt Patty's and Uncle Jim's birthdays! Jo made a fabulous feast complete with green beans, mashed potatoes, and fruit salad! Mmmm! Both of us really enjoy getting together with them every Christmas. Maybe once we move, we'll actually see them more often than once a year!!

Lastly, I have to leave you with a picture of snow my family is enjoying! Go here if you want to see more live pics.


Kelley C said...

Where is your fam?bri

merritt said...

Angel Fire. They got tons of grea snnow!

merritt said... can you tell from my typing that along with my cold comes a brain that doesn't work clearly??