Saturday, June 30, 2007

I'm confused

Here's how the conversation went today when my mom called at 930am:
Mom: Hi, you're up! Have you guys seen Ocean's 13?
Me: No. We really want to. (Is she calling for my opinion on it? Are they thinking about going or something?)
Mom: Do you want to go see it tonite with us?
Me: ------? Huh? What? I'M CONFUSED!!!!
Mom: (laughs her head off and tells Dad my reaction)
Mom: Well, we wanted to drive down to see you and take you out!
Me: Seriously?! OKAY!!
Mom: See you in a couple of hours!

Brett and I cleaned house, got a haircut (just Brett), and then ran a few errands to exchange some stuff and get some new pants and a shirt for him at Macy's (thanks, Patty and Jim!). Mom and Dad got to our apartment about 2 mins before we did!

It was so much fun! We talked at the house for a while and then headed out to see said movie (very good, by the way). Afterwards, we headed to a local place for some grub. What a fun day! It's been a great weekend surprise!

Happy Birthday to Katie, Brett's cousin!


Anonymous said...

Fun surprise! How long does it take your parents to get to you?

merritt said...

4+ hours! Aren't my parents fabulous?!

Anonymous said...

They are truly fantastic for driving all that way on a whim just to see their darling girl and boy-in-law!

merritt said...

I'm their favorite daughter--that's why. =)