Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I have my moments

Sometimes I get this itch. I bet you've had it, too. I don't realize it's coming, but then--bam!--it's there. Like a mosquito bite, it's practically impossible to not scratch. I can look at it, avoid it for a period, or even pretend it's not there, but then it only comes back stronger.

I went this afternoon to buy a pair of black shoes because I'm hoping I'll have an interview soon. And wearing my skirt suit with my 4" strappy heels probably won't scream "responsible, caring, and geniune teacher". So, I headed over to the great shoes source: DSW. And that's when the itch came. Have you been there lately? Oh, the shoes! The colors! The styles! The heels! I resisted my urge to buy some tall shoes and got a pair of black closed-toed ones for my suit, with only about an inch heel, so I can also teach in them. See, I'm practical! But then that itch reared it's head. I'd bought what I needed; now I should shop for what I wanted! Right?

And I did. I got one other pair of shoes. Let me justify the purchase for you: I needed a casual, comfortable pair of black shoes to wear with shorts or pants; and the other advantage is that I could also get away with teaching in these. They are so comfortable! So, see, I'm not as frivolous as you might think; I practically needed these as well! Plus, I signed up for the rewards program, so I'm earning points to my savings by buying another pair! =)

After such a hard day of trying on hundreds of shoes and fending off great desires to buy about half of them (oh-and I did make another teensy-weensy stop to Old Navy), I was too wiped out to cook dinner, of course! I used what change I had left and treated Brett to Papa John's pizza!

Brett calls days like this my "moments": it's the occasional day when I turn into a complete "desperate housewife", shopping all day and refusing to cook dinner! Today I was definitely having a moment.


Brett said...

This is only half the story. The other half involves a trip to Old Navy to buy shorts and tank tops. She conveniently left that part out. :)

merritt said...

yeah--my post was getting a bit long to mention that little pit stop...

kflythe said...

And isn't it great to have a honey who supports you in those "moments"?

Isn't DSW wonderful? There's one close to us, and that's where I go when I need shoes. Actually, I really don't like the store because there are so many shoes, and I hate to shop, and it's very overwhelming, but I tell myself when I go in that with all those shoes in a single place, there has to be at least ONE pair that fits my need.

Anonymous said...

I love DSW!! I bought the same exact shoes, plus some new pumps!! The points are great, aren't they!

Kelley C said...

what is this DSW???

merritt said...

You MUST find one near you. It's the greatest shoe store on earth! It has hundreds and hundreds. And they sell at a cheaper price. And then they have this back part where the shoes are really are sale. It's great!