Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Favorite boys

One of my favorite things in life is that my husband and my younger brother are really good friends. I remember specifically when Bro came to my college for a visit, and he and Hubby hung out together, playing videogames and what-not, while I went to do something else. It was fun for me that my brother and then-boyfriend could have fun together, independent of me. Now it's been several years and they are even better friends! I'm glad that my fab husband can be more than just "that guy that my sister is married to"!

And here they both are....on different days....doing the same thing....
I need a good photo editing program and then I could put them in the same picture!


Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm.....photo editing program....would that be a good birthday gift or were you just thinking out loud? :-) Patty

merritt said...

I've toyed with the idea of looking into getting a cool photo program for the computer, but I don't have any research done to know what I would want or if I would use one. I don't even know what cool things phot programs can do. Anyone know any good ones? I have a Mac computer, if that makes a difference.

I also want a new, nicer camera. Then I could become a National Geographic photographer or something like that.

Alicia said...

these are great photos!