Saturday, February 03, 2007

Strange Streets

Saturday, 408pm
This afternoon we have been shopping at Khan Market. From the picture, you probably would not suspect that this market has the highest rent rates in Delhi. It's the posh part of town. There were tons of Westerners in the area shopping and having lunch, just as we were. Our last stop was The Big Chill where we got some mint oreo ice cream! Mmm!

As we rode to and from the market, I was able to snap a few photos of things I saw on the streets. You begin to realize that American streets are so uniform and boring, but here there are tons of things to distract and amaze you!


SouthAsiaRocks said...

awesome! Great pic-discription of the streets :)

merritt said...

Thanks! I may seem obsessive about the streets, but they really do fascinate me! I'm glad to hear you agree with me!