Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Love is a verb

So, here's a list of the things I love TO DO! (or at least really like to do):

-visit (with) friends
-buy the perfect gift for someone
-shop when I have money to spend
-drink tea and orange juice (but not together)
-get mail
-be with my husband
-receive flowers
-be goofy, thereby embarrassing my husband
-pet cats
-make people laugh
-eat kettle corn and cheese (again...not together)
-take pictures
-wear new clothes
-spend time with family
-be surprised
-watch Broadway shows
-get into my big bed at night
-come home to a clean house
-get massages and manicures
-eat Blue Bell mint chocolate chip icecream or any icecream
-spend warm days outdoors

What do you love to do?


Brett said...

I noticed that "spending time with your husband" is 6 spots below "reading". Do we need to have a chat?

merritt said...

**Ladies and Gentlemen, I forgot to mention in my post that the list is in random order. The order in which the actions appear does in no way reflect my preferences or amount of time I spend doing each one. For example, although listed several spots into the list, being with my husband is actually my absolute favorite thing to do.

Thank you!

Kelley C said...

I love to curl up by the fire with a blanket and a good novel.

Brett I left a comment just for you on my blog.