Friday, February 02, 2007

Guidelines, not rules

Friday, 655pm
Auto rickshaws are one of the most convenient ways to get around town here, so I thought I would put up a pic and tell you a little about traffic here in Delhi.

I think that all drivers believe that the driving rules are merely guidelines, if that. For instance, the 3 lane roads really become six or more. And they don't really even go by lanes. As a driver, you just crowd as closely to the front of the street as possible. And if you happen to miss your turn, don't worry. Just stop and put it in reverse on the one-way street. No problem. Or if you are having trouble turning because of oncoming traffic, merely drive into the street anyway. They will probably stop to let you go through. Double park. Take turns at top speed. Don't worry about the blinker. And make sure you honk to let others know you are coming.

The drivers here really do amaze me. Every possibe type of transportation is on the road: car, bus, bicycle, auto rickshaw, walkers. And your trip will be incredibly loud, as people honk constantly. The good thing is, they don't get mad if you cut them off; that's just life and it means you are more aggressive. Yay for you! Oh--and don't forget: they drive on the left-hand side!

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