Sunday, October 21, 2007

Weekend List

The last two days have been filled with errands, fun, and relaxation. For your listing enjoyment, here are some of the things we did over the weekend, in no particular order:

1. slept late (hey, 8am IS late for us!)
2. cleaned the house
3. gave Brett a haircut
4. went to Costco
5. shopped at the outlets
6. found our way through a corn maze
7. picked out a pumpkin
8. washed and dried laundry
9. watched the Redskins win
10. took a nap
11. went to my school's homecoming game
(I must interject here. Brett came down to the metro closest to my school & my friend Sarah and I picked him up and went to the game. I'm interested to see some of my students on Monday, because I saw a number of them, and I'm pretty sure that they figured out that the guy with me is my husband. I had one girl whisper to me "Is that your husband?" and when I responded "Yes." she gave a very enthusiastic thumbs up. Apparently, he's very nice to look at; I think my cool factor just went up for every 10th grade girl who saw Brett and made the connection that he's mine!)
12. listened to the rain
13. ate pizza
14. visited a church
15. changed the sheets

And now we are off to grill some dinner and enjoy the last few hours of weekend bliss. I haven't done a lick of schoolwork since Friday nite, which may explain why this weekend has been so great! We are off to the last full week of October!


Mark said...

I give this post two thumbs up.

Yay lists!

1.) I feel you on the sleeping late thing. These days, 6 or 7 is pretty good for us!

3.) please post a picture of brett's haircut so we can see your mad hairdressing skillz.

11.) Mark's a youth advisor at our church, and I think a lot of the 10th grade girls there are pretty impressed with me for having snagged him as well. I think he's handsomer every day. Daddyhood looks good on him. And apparently lawyerhood looks good on Brett!

merritt said...

Erin, honestly, I totally thought of you and LP when I decided to make a list. The two of you are crazy about lists.

Any pic you see of Brett is all my fabulous artwork. :)