Monday, June 18, 2007

Hotter than Hades

Now that Kelley and Jonathan aren't suffering in the heat of East Asia, I feel that I now have somewhat of a right to complain about the heat here in Houston. People, it's hot. But it's not just hot, it's humid. You can walk the 20 feet from the front door to the car door and have that feeling that you've been at a baseball game: sticky and moist. My shoes of choice are flip-flops, and as soon as I walk out the door, my feet immediately feel wet. That's gross. But there's nothing I can do about it! It's as though you are wading through the humidity.

And I'm beginning to understand why people put those soft, fuzzy or animal print things on their steering wheel; it's much more embarrassing to say you burned your hands on the steering wheel than on say, a curling iron or oven!

In other areas across Texas, there's major flooding! Here are a few pictures my sissy sent me from Sherman, where they live. Wonder if that guy thought he'd ever use that old fanboat sitting in the garage!


Brett said...

The worst/hottest part of my day is my 5 minute walk from the parking garage to the office every my suit. I swear it's 100 degrees on the concrete.

Kelley C said...

Whew it was 95 degrees here in good ole South Carolina and it felt GOOD! Love the A/C. And we lived in South Asia not East Asia. your bro lives in East Asia.

merritt said...

Yeah. It was late. And I was very tired. I had just read Mart's blog, so I guess that's why I was thinking East Asia. I didn't realize it until I was in bed last nite, and although the perfectionism in me was begging me to get up and correct it, I just couldn't!