Sunday, September 02, 2007

Cleaning the mess

You know how you have days when you don't really check the email, and then somehow you don't check or reply to messages again, and then all of a sudden you have a bazillion emails in your mailbox? So, you have those bazillions in there and it just seems overwhelming and as though you'd never get to the bottom of the pile, so you don't bother. And then a few days later you finally just have to do it. That's what I've been doing. I'm down to 13 from 68. Yay for me!

Well, while I was going through my emails, I found some really fun pictures that my family took way back in July (disclaimer: my brother didn't email them to me until about 3 weeks after the trip, so it's not that it's been sitting in my inbox for 6 weeks). Brett and I couldn't go on the vacation, so they wanted to let us know we had been missed. I have the greatest family in the world!

This weekend while I was working, Brett's mom came over and did all kinds of work in my yard! It's amazing! She bought new plants for us, and painted our patio furniture, and transplanted some existing plants we had. I didn't even know you could do that. It's like she played musical plants with our back yard! And now it's all pretty and pruned! I'm so glad that I have someone with a green thumb to get my yard looking nice....and someone who can eventually teach me how to do something other than water the plants. But, that's for another season; for now I'm satisfied letting her plant and replant, and I'll water when she tells me to!


Kelley C said...

Is it just me or does your dad look kinda happy in the Miss You Brett picture?

EMU said...

Love all the facial expressions. And I agree with Kelley; your dad looks inwardly pleased that Brett isn't there.

merritt said...

haha! No, trust me. My dad loves Brett because now he has to pay for my upkeep rather than my dad! =)

Mark said...

mert - looks like you have an AWESOME mother-in-law. I'm impressed with anyone who can make plants grow. And someone who volunteers to paint furniture for you outside in the August heat? consider yourself blessed! Yay for having great family in town, right? Washington-1. Houston-0.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Cutie pictures! My mom did the same plant-related stuff for me (except everywhere you wrote the word "yard," substitute "balcony" for me). This was months ago, and she still calls me every two or three days (weather depending...) to remind me to water! Haven't killed 'em yet...

Anonymous said...

By the way, that "comment deleted" was me. I re-read my post and realized I had a (gasp!) grammar error. Had to fix it.

merritt said...

Yep, EG, it IS nice having family nearby (as in, less than 250 miles!). We haven't had that before, and it has been a real treat. Charlie and Jo may decide at some point that this novelty has worn off, though, and may be less inclined to come over as much! hehe!

LP-I totally understand about deleting when you find the error. I hate it when I mess up! And just FYI, we don't really have a "yard". It's more of a patio with edges around it that have plants. No grass. That'd be a little much for us.

Mark said...

I feel your "no grass" pain! we have a yeard, but no rain. That equals, um... dirt. But the pups don't know the difference, and I have more important things to care about. Someday I would like a nice yard, though... or even just a nicely landscaped patio...

No one has ever referred to me as EG. Didn't even realize that was me at first! Makes me seem like an egg, huh? :) I think I still like in a world where I think of myself as EBum. Way to throw me for a loop today!

merritt said...

Yeah, it was weird to type "EG" but I thought maybe it was appropriate since it has been your last name for over 4 years now! Don't worry-you'll always be EBum to me...partly because I can't say your married name properly! =)