Monday, September 17, 2007

Back to School night

Tomorrow is Back-to-School Night. That means that all the parents come to school at 700pm. At 705, the bell rings and they have to go to their child's 1st period class, where they spend 10 mins. They continue through the entire schedule, getting to meet all the teachers and see what class is like.

All the veteran teachers in my department are freaking out about it. I'm not. Should I be? My teacher friend next door (also new, also coming from private school) agrees with my opinion: is it really that terrible? The veterans seem to think it's this huge, life-changing event or something. For me, I figure the parents will come in, I'll tell them about our class, and they will go home. And if they try to corner me with a parent/teacher conference, I'll just tell them to buzz off...I mean, send me an email and we'll work out the details. =) I'll report back some nite to let you all know how it went. Go ahead and be praying for me!


Mark said...

so how did it go? I also remember these things being a non-issue... but then again, I was a student, not a teacher.

merritt said...

It was fine, actually. I think I have a pretty good rapport with parents, so they tend not to attack me when they first meet me. Good thing! We have conference day in November, so I'll let you know how nice they are then! =)

Thanks for asking.

Ericka said...

Am I bad that I went to cub scouts with Jack rather than BTS night for Gaby???? Mike was out of town - thus no divide and conquer...