Friday, August 31, 2007

Obligatory Post

I feel like I should post something, because I have definitely been lacking since we moved. I can't even believe that tomorrow is the first day of September; that seems unreal to me! Labor Day weekend is supposed to mean a 3 day weekend, but I'm going to end up making it into a 6-day work-week! There are about 100 teachers that are signed up to go in to school tomorrow to finish up and get ready for Tuesday, so I don't feel too bad. All the FL (foreign language) folks are coming in, too, so I won't be alone! While I'm slaving away earning the dough, Brett's off gallivanting in NYC with his dad! They just went to a Yankees game and are hanging out in the big city for the weekend. So, that's all my news for now. More later!


Kelley C said...

You seem like you are in a blogging funk. Here are some ideas to help you.

List top 5 things you love about DC
List 7 things you miss about Texas
Go make an avatar of yourself
Critique the last book you read
Detail how you are going to make enough money to go on the vacation of your dreams
Compare your daily life to a football game: which position are you?
Write a dissertation explaining how much you miss your bestest friend

merritt said...

Kelley, WHERE did you come up with all those random ideas?! I'm totally impressed! What's an avatar? Should I know that word?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and good luck on the teaching position, Merritt! Take care. Pam

Mark said...

Sarah is here with me, and we also have no idea what avatar means.

But we do know what guffaw means.


merritt said...

I have never guffawed (is that the proper past tense, oh, English major?) as much as when with you girls! We should get together and have a guffaw session! =)

Kelley C said...

An avatar is an online representation of yourself. I think they have them at yahoo- it can be like a picture or a whole person that moves and stuff. I'll see if I can find a link to one.

Kelley C said...

From wikipedia:
An avatar (abbreviations include AV, ava, avie, avy, avi, avvie, avis, and avvy) is an Internet user's representation of himself or herself, whether in the form of a three-dimensional model used in computer games,[1] a two-dimensional icon (picture) used on Internet forums and other communities,[2][3] or a text construct found on early systems such as MUDs. The term "avatar" can also refer to the personality connected with the screen name, or handle, of an Internet user.[4]

Mark said...

I like the suggestion about book critiques... I want to know what you thought of the Picoult (I have read a bunch of stuff by her, but not The Tenth Circle yet), and When Life and Beliefs Collide (which was recommended by a friend). Either of those worth adding to the top of my library list?

merritt said...

The 10th Circle is the first that I've read of Picoult, so I can't compare it to others. I like it because it was different: it doesn't have the perfect, fairy-tale ending that you expect. It's definitely heavier than a "fluff" book like...well, anything by Sophie Kinsella (sp?).

Life and Belief Collides--ok, I actually started but never finished it! Oops! Maybe I'll start it again!

Mark said...

I think that's the case for a lot of picoult's novels. They're fairly easy reads, considering the issues they grapple with. I like reading a novel that surrounds an ethics question, but I don't want to get too bogged down in it - Picoult seems to have found a happy medium. If you want another one by her - try My Sisters Keeper. I'm in the middle of Nineteen Minutes right now, and so far it's shaping up to be pretty good too.

merritt said...

Once I get a moment, I'll get on the queue at the library for more of her books. They aren't TOO heavy, which I like, but aren't the complete fluff that I often read!