Tuesday, August 14, 2007

And away we go!

I know we've been a bit spotty in our postings lately. Trust me, there is good reason. Did you know that my guest book already has 3 separate entries in it? That means that we've had at least 3 (the exact number is 4, by the way) guests come and stay at our house. We've lived here less than a week! Funny how no one wanted to visit us in Houston....

Anyway, so that's been going on. And we're still unpacking boxes. And today I had 2 interviews. Yeah, 2. Crazy! Please pray that something would materialize. I feel a bit bad interviewing and then telling them they can't get ahold of me for the next 6 days! And why's that?....

...because we are GOING ON VACATION!!!! We're hitching the 551am bus at the corner of our street and heading out of the country (we're just taking the bus to the metro and the metro to the airport; thought I might clarify in case you thought we were taking the bus all the way to the DR!).

So, we're off. And I'm not taking my computer. And neither is Brett. There's lots to catch up on still and will be even more when we come back. But, it'll all have to wait, because I'm going to relax! Talk to y'all next week!


Kelley C said...

you have a guest book?

Mark said...

yeah, really... how domestic of you! but it's a good idea and I'm suddenly jealous that I don't have one myself...

merritt said...

Yeah. My mom has had one for a long time. I got it when we moved to Houston, but...uh...no one came to visit. Actually, Brett's parents did and mine did and Annah did and my friend Jessica dropped by, but since we didn't have a guest room for them, I didn't make them sign it. But now it's in the guest room, so come visit and sign it and tell me how fabulous it is to come stay with me!