Friday, August 24, 2007

Another meme

Kelley tagged me!

Four jobs I have had:
1. Hostess
2. Dental assistant
3. Old Navy know-it-all (with Kel & Sarah & Erin...anyone else?)
4. Spanish teacher

Four Places I have lived:
1. San Angelo, TX
2. Madrid, Spain
3. Winston Salem, NC
4. Greenville, SC

Favorite TV shows:
1. The Amazing Race
2. Travel Channel shows
3. The Office
4. The morning traffic report

1. mint chocolate chip ice cream
2. CFA
3. Chili's chicken crispers
4. Nutter Butters

I would rather be:
1. at the beach
2. shopping with an unlimited account
3. cruising with my girlfriends
4. zip-lining in Costa Rica

Favorite movies:
1. Bourne movies
2. 10 Things I Hate About You
3. The Waitress
4. The Importance of Being Earnest

I'm tagging:
Katie and Liz (clearly I need more blog friends!)


Mark said...

I had forgotten that all y'all worked at Old Navy, too. I don't have that many memories of it being fun, and I feel like it should have been fun with the four of you there. But then, I don't think we worked together very often. (Think the managers did that intentionally?)

merritt said...

Yeah, they definitely did that intentionally. I also think that one particular manager called me "Meredith" on purpose just to annoy me.