Monday, September 11, 2006

Where were you...

....this day five years ago?

I was in class in Madrid. Melissa and I came back to our apartment in the afternoon and our host mother frantically showed us the TV, as the World Trade Centers were just being attacked.


Anonymous said...

Taking a shower in a Greenville hotel getting ready to drive Brett to the Atlanta airport to go overseas to commence his foreign study. Jo got me out of the shower and soon thereafter the tv showed the second tower being struck.

Anonymous said...

I was supposed to fly from Atlanta to London later that day. It was also the first day of classes at Furman for everyone else. I was sleeping in and Richie and Tyler woke me up and told me about it. I then saw the second tower get hit.

Anonymous said...

Dad was just leaving for work, heard the announcement on the radio and came back into the house to tell me to put the TV on. We watched in horror.

Kelley C said...

It was 11:30pm in Australia when it happened. I was in the computer lab talking to my dad in sc and my uncle in Germany in a chat room. I couldn't get on any of the websites so I went back to my flat and stayed glued to CNN for the rest of the night (and next couple of days).

kflythe said...

I was in France and had been there for 2 days. We had just finished our first day of classes and were on our way home; we stopped in an internet cafe and saw the news. We honestly thought that a movie was being shown. I wasn't able to get in touch with my family until Friday of that week.