Thursday, September 14, 2006

Small things

Here's how God worked today:

After subbing for part of the day, I went to meet a teacher for whom I will sub a full day next week. As we talked, we discovered that I had been told to come on Thursday instead of Wednesday, when she would be absent. I'm so glad I went to talk with her!

Then, as soon as I got home, I received a call from another school asking if I was available on Thursday of next week! Thanks to my new discovery, I am! And the exciting part is that I'll actually be teaching Spanish classes! Que bueno!


Kelley C said...

I'm so glad this subbing thing seems to be working out for you! Maybe that and a little tutoring is just what you need for this year.

merritt said...

I know! I'm praying specifically for 3 tutorees; more would be great, but I want God to give me 3.