Monday, November 13, 2006

Third Ward

Wards. That doesn't bring to mind large neighborhoods with green lawns and bicycles in the front. Yet this is where we wanted to go to get our travel vaccines. I say "wanted" in the sense of "This is the place that has the shots for the cheapest price--by at least 1/2." and not in the "Yay--let's go get a shot today! I LOVE getting a needle stuck in me!".

We were pleasantly surprised when the government clinic in the Third Ward was very nice, new, and super clean. And best of all, there was NO line! (WHAT!?!)

We tell the nice lady we need typhoid vaccines, and she replies that she does not have the shot. Uh-oh; I think back to which of the three appointments at the travel clinics I still have scheduled. But, Nice Lady tells us that instead she has pills we can take! We got top-notch service and didn't even have to get shot!

So, my new theory is "Why get a shot when you can take a pill?". I should ask this question before every vaccine I go to get. Lucky for me, I don't need any more shots for India. My dad's going to give B one of his next week. Should be interesting! :)

Oh--and speaking of medicinal things: I was supposed to sub today, but I got a call saying the school was closed because all the kids broke out with a rash. Ewwwww.....


merritt said...

Do I dare ask why it was so memorable?? =)

Anonymous said...

Do you think we should videotape the "shot giving" when Brett comes to town?
He doesn't faint when he gets a shot, like some other weenies in our familty, does he Merritt??

Anonymous said...

I'm a little wary of getting this shot from the senior Squiers. I can already feel the needle piercing my skin. Why do I get the feeling that every Squiers is going to want to come and watch this spectacle? This isn't a butt shot is it?