Thursday, April 05, 2007

Ode to My Husband

Have you noticed in the last few days
That not very much has been on the blog?
It's been rather boring, dull, and calm
You'd think I've become a bump on a log.

Well, the reason for this lack of excitement
In the last few days has been made very clear
It's because my dear, sweet husband took a trip
Which means he's been away, and not here.

As the week has dragged on from Sunday til now,
It has become truly apparent and obvious to me
That Brett really is my inspiration and reason.
Without him, where would this blog be?

We go on fun dates or road trips he plans.
He takes me to dinner or lets us stay in.
He tickles or talks to or teases me always
And once in a while we'll just sit to play Gin (Rummy).

He listens as I tell my stories and jokes
Of nonsense and seriousness and fun.
He emails me when he's at the office,
And gives me a call as he's leaving and done.

Since he's not here, I'm all out of sorts
I miss all those things when he is away.
So I honor him now as my sole inspiration
And can't wait for tomorrow to become today!

He's gonna come home, and I'll be so excited
I'll be happy as a clam when he's back in my world.
We'll talk and catch up and have a good time,
And the great thing is I'll no longer be bored!

I won't have the time to sit at my mac
And write stanzas on end in verse about my dear.
Instead I'll be doing things that are much better
like dates or movies or just enjoying that he's here.

1 comment:

Brett said...

woohoo! I can't wait to come home!