Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I hate birds

Those of you who really know me are completely aware that I don't care for birds (I can see Jeni laughing at this point, recalling the mockingbird that attacked me.). I don't need any more excuses to dislike these creatures. But I have one.

At first, we thought it was our bed or the fan. Things squeak. But now we know. Every evening around 9, a bird begins it's squawking. Not singing. Maybe we could call it chirping. At any rate, it's annoying. This bird doesn't stop until the first light of day. Right near our bedroom. So, as we try to fall asleep to the dull noise of the fan, we have a bird of some sort that breaks the rhythm with it's talking. And for this, I have yet another reason to dislike birds.

and now I don't even like computer graphics of them, since this one is actually supposed to be animated!


Jonathan said...

But you do love clip art!

Anonymous said...

Sherwood doesn't like them either...remember when the Mockingbirds attacked her every day when she would slink around the swimming pool??

You are now in TEXAS....what about a BB gun:)

merritt said...

This clip art was especially good, though, J! The bird is supposed to grab his microphone and start singing! That's just what I feel like he's doing all nite!

merritt said...

Yeah--poor Sherwood had her little head pecked at! The BB gun idea actually did cross my mind.....

Anonymous said...

I have a great 12 gauge that would take care of your problem sis.... just let me know when you want to borrow it, or i can come by and take care of tweety myself....
love m

merritt said...

haha! Matt, I may have to take you up on the offer one day! Except I've never actually seen the little bugger; I just hear him and can never find him!!!